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Video: Things to Draw on Kids' Lunch Bags

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Video Transcript

Hey, it's your friend Kenny O, the Lunch-bag Dad, and in this video we're going to talk about lunch-bags, and we're going to talk about things to draw on lunch-bags for your children. Now, it's a good question, and it's good that you got me here. So, let's go ahead and take a look at these two lunch-bags that I did. And actually, this was the very first lunch-bag that I did for my daughter, right here, and this one is a more advanced one. And actually this one right here, I started off with some colored pencil and it didn't come out quite nice. And over here, I actually used just oil pastels and some marker, so those are some, definitely supplies you'll go ahead and need to use to create these lunch-bags. So let's go ahead and take a look, and I was drawing another Captain Kerknuckles here, on my lunch-bag, and you can see I've just got the outline started. And a great thing to draw is your child's favorite, like, Saturday morning or just, you know, daily cartoon. A lot of them are kind of fairly simple, and there's a lot of images that you can look for online when you're drawing them, so when you draw them on your lunch-bag you can have them. You want to look for a nice oil pastel, because I'll show you, because they just color so well on these brown paper bags, so that's an awesome thing, because when I first started drawing these lunch-bags, coloring them, the colors weren't coming out so well with those colored pencils, but coming over here, as you can see. With these oil pastels, they stick great to that bag, and just form such a nice color. Another idea for lunch-bags is your school mascot. My daughter's is a viper, Ana Verde Vipers, and so I go ahead and drew a cartoon viper. Her favorite animal - my daughter's is a tiger. So you can go ahead and draw cartoon tigers. Just, you know, remember your favorite daughter's activity. That you can see, that red is really nice. I can even come back with a nice, you know, piece of paper, and just make sure it's all smoothed out. So if you want to create some lunch-bag art, remember what we want to use. We want to use oil pastels, we want to have some markers. You can use pencil or pen, because these oil pastels will color right over them, guys. So remember - let's remember your child's favorite animal, cartoon, or you can draw their school mascot once for a lunch-bag, which will be quite popular with the school and the teacher. Well, guys, it's been Kenny O, your Lunch-bag Dad, and art teacher. Alright guys, thanks for watching.
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