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Best Cheap Hd 22in Tv
If ?ou ?re lo?k?ng f?r a ?tyl?sh ?nd comp??t s?cond televi???n f?r th? b?dr??m, k?tch?n ?r stud?, th?n l?ok no further th?n the S?n? KDL-22EX302 22inch LCD TV. The S?n? KDL-22EX301 ?? ?v?r? ?ff?rd?bl? LCD t?levis?on th?t will bl?nd ?n t? an? liv?ng envir?nment ?ffortles?. Thi? un?que tel?vis??n ?l?o b???t? uniqu? t?chnol?g??s to pr?duc? ? refunded ?nd m?r? det??l?d pi?tur?.
Wh?ther ?t b? ? h?gh ?nd, t?p of th? r?nge LCD tel?v??ion or an ?ntry l?v?l mod?l l?ke th? KDL-22EX302, Son? only ?r?du?? th?ir tel?vi???n? t? the h?ghest p????ble ?t?nd?rd. Th? KDL-22EX302 m?? b? ?mall but it p??k? a ?r?tty d?c?nt punch wh?n ?t c?m?s to ?ol?ur r?pr?du?t?on and ?rodu??ng and r?ali?ti? deta?l.
A key f?atur? ?f th? S?n? BRAVIA KDL-22EX302 is th?t it h?? ? bu?lt in Fre?view tun?r. H?ving ? built in Fr??v?ew tun?r, the KDL22EX302U ?? r?ad? f?r the digital ?w?t?h ?v?r ?nd th?r? is n?n?ed f?r a ?e?ar?t? d?g?tal tuner b?x. W?th the ??nv?ni?n?? ?f ? built in tun?r, you hav? m?re ??a?e f?r ?our ????nt??l h?me ??nem? ?qu?pm?nt and ?t is ?a??er t? m?unt th? tel?visi?n on ? wall u?ing ?n ??pr?pr?ate br??ket if y?u ar? short on ?urf?c? ??a??. Th? Freev??w ?s fre? ??rvi?? th?t ?? ??ntract ?nd sub?cr?pt?on f?? fre?, ?ff?r?ng ?ou ?noth?r altern?t?v? to th? pa? to v??w??rv???s from ?k? or V?rg?n. U??ng a ??m?l? external a?ri?l ??nn?ct?on, Fr??view g?ves y?u ?cc??? to ?v?r 50 radi? and t?lev?sion ?t?t??n?, includ?ng BBC Three ITV 2 and F?lm 4.
The S?n? KDl-22EX302U ?l?o ?omes ?quip?ed w?th f?ur HDMI ?n?uts, so ??nne?ting ? h?gh d?fin?t?on sour?e could not b? e???er. The high def?n?t??n d?v?c? c?uld in?lud? ? Blu-ray ?la?er, u?s?al?ng DVD ?layer, ? HD g?me? cons?le, ?r high d?fin?t??n ??t?llit? b?x. To get the m??t ?ut ?f ? high d?finit??n ?our?? th? Son? BRAVIA KDL-22EX402 i? fitt?d w?th a HD Re?dy pan?l, wh?ch?an produ?? ? 720p p??ture qu?l?t?. Th? driving f?r?? b?h?nd the S?n? BRAVIA KDL-22EX302 ?? the BRAVIA Engin? 2. Th? BRAVIA Eng?ne 2 ?? ?x?lu??v? to S?n? and ?? r???on??bl? f?r produ?ing a good quality pi?tur?, reduc?ng n???? ?nd g?ner?t?ng int?n?? ??l?urs and d?e? c?ntr??t.
Th? S?n? KDL22EX302U ?l?o ha? ? USB ?n?ut ?n the ba?k ?f the LCD tel?v?s?on ?ll?w?ng ??u to w?tch or d??pl?y ?ont?nt from ?our PC ?r L??t??. Using th? USB ?n?ut ?n th? KDL22EX302 LCD TV??u h?ve the ?pportun?ty to ?h?re y?ur f?vour?t? ?h?t?gr?phs with f?mil? and fr??nds on th? l?rger scr??n, ??u can ?l?? w?t?h f?lm? ?r l?st?n t? y?ur favour?t? mu??c d?wnl?ads u?ing ?our USB?ti?k.
The S?ny KDL-22EX302 ?? r??lly sim?l? to use, and t? mak? lif? ?v?n s?mpl?r ?t h?? ? built in instru?tion manu?l, th?t tak?s ??u through a ??t by ?te? ??t u? ?ro?es? on ?cr?en. Th? Son?BRAVIA KDL22EX302 ?ls? h?? ? bu?lt ?n l?ght ??n??r to h?l? ?ave ?nergy ?nd mon??. If y?u ?h?o?? t? u?? the L?ght S?nsor funct??n ?n th? Son? BRAVIA KDl2EX302U th?n ?t w?ll aut?mat???lly?d?u?t and ??t?mi?? th? ?i?ture for th? best v??w?ng ?x??r??nc?. If you ?njo? w?t?hing f?lm? in th? d?rk then the L?ght Sen??r w?ll ?ut?m?t?c?ll? ad?u?t th? ??r?en d?mming th? b?ck light, ?n wh?ch b? d?ing s? r?duc?s energ? con?um?t??n and ??v?? ?ou m?ne?.
The S?n? KDL-22EX302 is ? gr??t 22?n?h LCD tel?vi???n ?nd would m?k? a great ?econd t?levi?i?n f?r the B?droom, B?thr??m ?r K?t?h?n. W?th a bu?lt ?n Freev?ew Tun?r, ? HD R??dy pan?l ?nd f?ur HDMI ?nput?, the S?n? BRAVIA KDL-22EX302U has ?ver?th?ng ??u need w?th ? ?mall LCD TV. If y?u l?ke th? s?und of wh?t th?? LCD tel?v??i?n ha? on ?ffer th?n d??c?ver a ver? ch??p.
- 32?nch D?agon?l S?r?en Siz? (Inch)
- 81 cm Vi??bl? D?agon?l Scr?en S?z?
- 16:9 As?e?t Ratio
- 1366x768 p?x?l?
- 1080? r???lution
- 720? re??lut?on
- 720? r??olut??n
- 24P (Fr?m?s P?r S?cond) Pl?yback
Manufactur?r? Te?hnol?g? Features
- HD R??dy
- BE 2 BRAVIA Eng?ne
- Dig?t?l TV R??dy
- Freeview
- Tel?text
- Sl??p T?mer
- Cl??k
- EPG (Gu?d? Plus+)
S?und & Power Out?ut
- D?lb? D?g?tal
- D?lb? D?g?tal Plu?
- Brav?? S?nc
- 4 (1 Side/3 Re?r) x HDMI C?nn??tion/?
- 1 x Com?on?nt V?d?? C?nnecti?n/?
- 1 x C?m????te V?de? C?nn?ct?on/s
- 1 x USB 2.0 C?nn??t??n/?
- 2 x RGB Scart Conn??tion/?
- PC Input
A??e???r??? Su?pl??d
- Ped??tal st?nd
- Rem?t? C?ntr?l
- U??r Manu?l
- Ma?ns C?ble
Pow?r, W?ight & Dim?n?i?ns
- 11 Kg Un?t W??ght (Appr?x)
- 73 W P?wer Con?umpt??n
- 0.19 W St?ndb? P?wer C?nsumption
- 80.0 x 53.2 x 22.0 Dim?ns?on? (W x H x D) W?th St?nd
- 80.0 x 49.7 x 9.7 Dimens??ns (W x H x D) W?th?ut St?nd
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