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How to Clean Gold With Nitric Acid

104 19
    • 1). Wear safety gloves, goggles, protective clothing and a protective mask while handling nitric acid. Pour one cup of 5 percent nitric acid solution into a glass container.

    • 2). Pour one cup of distilled water into the glass container. Use only distilled water as it will not cause a reaction with the nitric acid solution.

    • 3). Mix the solution with a glass stirrer. Be careful not to spill the solution. If you do spill the solution, pour vinegar on the solution to neutralize it.

    • 4). Use tweezers to place the gold in the glass container. Let dirt and debris dissolve off the gold for 10 minutes. Pour two cups of vinegar into the nitric acid solution to neutralize it.

    • 5). Pour two cups of vinegar into a separate glass container. Use tweezers to remove the gold from the nitric acid solution. Place the gold and the tweezers into the vinegar, and let them sit for 10 minutes to neutralize.

    • 6). Thoroughly rinse the gold and all materials used with distilled water.

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