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Fire Blanket Information
- According to Redman Fire Protection, fire blankets are made of fire-resistant material. Different types of materials are used in association with the type of fire it is designed to smother. However, the most common material used is fiberglass or coated wool. What fire-restraint material that is used is based on the type of emergency. A car fire blanket would not be the same as a kitchen one. Also, certain blankets put out different degrees of fires. When choosing which fire blanket is best for you, take into consideration your personal needs. Where you live? How big of a blanket do you need? Do you have an infant? There are special fire blankets for children.
- Redmen Fire Protection states that fire blankets are a beneficial addition to a fire kit in the home. Most home fires start in the kitchen and are relatively small but can quickly go out of control because of cooking oils. Fire blankets are designed to put out these kitchen fires fast, keeping damage minimal.
- If a pan catches fire in the kitchen, it is best to know what actions to take so the fire does not spread. Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Services recommend certain steps in handling a pan fire. Once the pan catches fire, do not move it. If possible, turn the source of the heat off, but never reach over the fire to do so. Grab the fire blanket and cover the fire. Never ever use water to douse a pan fire. This can make the fire spread. Once the fire is out, allow the pan to cool for 30 minutes before touching it. If the fire has raged out of control, leave the house immediately and call 911.
- While most people use fire blankets in the home, they are just as useful in a laboratory setting. Medical Supplies Equipment Company suggests having a fire blanket on hand in a laboratory. The blanket can be used in several situations. If a flammable material combusts during an experiment, throw a fire blanket over the flame to extinguish it. Same can be said if a person catches on fire. The blanket can be used to cover the person and smother the fire. Unfortunately, the blanket won't save the person from burns, but the speed a fire blanket can smother a fire can possibly save the person from severe burns.
- According to the Medical Supplies Equipment Company, fire blankets should be readily available in both the kitchen and laboratory. More than one fire blanket should be stored in a large laboratory. Fire blankets in the kitchen should be stored in a place that a fire would not prevent you from getting to. A good place would be in the pantry, a bad place would be behind the stove. PVC should be attached to the end with a hook, this way if you are alone, you can wrap the blanket around yourself if you catch on fire.
Pan Fires
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