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How Does Roof Color Affect Solar Panels?
- The color of your roof will not significantly affect the performance of solar energy panels. A lighter-colored roof might slightly enhance the amount of energy provided since light colors reflect sunlight. Light rays reflected from the lighter-colored roof will bounce back to the solar panels. A darker roof will absorb sunlight, instead of reflecting it back to the solar panels. Any difference in the amount of energy created due to the color of your roof will be minimal. Most solar panels are black in order to absorb sunlight.
- Though energy creation is the purpose of solar panels, the panels themselves are not always aesthetically pleasing. In many cities and neighborhoods, building permits or other approvals are necessary before adding solar panels. Mismatched colors or unattractive placement of panels may cause approvals to be denied. Unsightly panels might dissuade neighbors from looking into the cost and environmental benefits of solar panels.
- The problem of roof color can be avoided somewhat by choosing photovoltaic tiles instead of solar panels. Photovoltaic tiles come in regular roof tiles colors, but are designed to blend in to the roof. The photovoltaic tiles generate energy from the collection of sunlight. The tiles are connected to your electric meter. In some systems the energy flows back to the general grid, which rolls your meter backward, rather than pumping energy directly into your house. Pieces of roof that are not covered by photovoltaic tiles may reflect onto the tiles if they are close enough and a light enough shade.
- Roof color can be altered by shade. Even the lightest-color roof will lose its light reflecting capability if shaded by a large tree or another overhanging roof or gable. Roofs that face into the sun for the greatest part of the day will have more affect on your solar panel productivity than the actual color of the roof.
Performance of Solar Panels
Aesthetic Considerations
Photovoltaic Roof Tiles
Roof Placement
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