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How to Determine Tiles Needed for Backsplashes
- 1). Break the kitchen backsplash area into sections to measure. Each straight run of cabinets should be one section, with the area behind the stove as a separate section all together.
- 2). Measure the height and width of each section separately in inches. Multiply the inches together to get the number of square inches for each section. Divide this number by 144 to get the number of square feet of tile required for each section. Add an additional 5 percent for cuts and waste.
- 3). Locate any exposed edges where the edges of the tiles will be left uncovered. Measure these areas in inches and add the numbers together to get the number of linear inches needed for bullnose or finish edge tiles. Divide this number by 12 to get the number of linear feet of bullnose required.
- 4). Determine where any decorative border tiles will go and measure this area in inches. Add any areas where decorative borders will go and divide this number by 12 to get the amount of linear feet of decorative border.
- 5). Draw the backsplash area to scale on a piece of graph paper with each square on the paper equaling 2 inches. Sketch in the field tiles and shade in any squares you wish to have a decorative tile. Use this model to determine how many decorative tiles you require, and purchase one or two extra to have on hand in case of breakage.
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