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Maxed Out - Get Your Tape Measure
Next time you embark on an evening out to dinner, bring your tape measure, stick it in your purse, hide it in your pockets or wear it as a hair band.
I suggest you order a pasta dish for full results.
Once your meal is prepared and served, use your tape measure and measure the bowl.
You'll need a tailor's tape measure in order to get the accurate circumference.
You should get a measurement of approximately 25 - 30 inches, maybe more depending on restaurant! Another alternative to this project is to try at home.
Pull out your bowls, measuring tape and dry pasta.
Fill a restaurant size bowl of dry pasta and pour into a quart size jar adding a couple pieces of bread.
What is your result? A jar full to the brim with pasta and bread correct? Now here's the point to my "fun fact" project.
The size of an adult stomach is approximately 12 inches (30.
5 cm) long, 6 inches (15.
2 cm) wide with a capacity of about 1 qrt (0.
94 liters).
Interesting isn't it? Putting this fact into perspective sheds some light on how "portion control" is invaluable towards weight management.
Most carbohydrates leave your stomach within about 2 hours, protein takes approximately 4 hours to digest and fat takes as long as 6 hours.
Large volumes of food and high fat foods delay digestion, which slows our metabolism resulting in stored fat.
Over time consistent eating patterns of over-sized meals will have a negative effect on our bodies.
If our stomachs are approximately the same size as one bowl of pasta the food math then equates to something like this: OVER-SIZED MEAL + APPETIZERS + BREAD + DESSERT = MAXED OUT STOMACH I think its safe to assume that many of us are guilty of this crime.
Quantity is just as important as quality when it comes to your nutrition.
Occasional indulgences are acceptable and good for the soul; however, your overall diet is key in a healthy lifestyle.
Lifestyle being the operative word! Utilize portion control and balance in your everyday meals and you're on your way to great overall health!
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