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Article Marketing Secrets
Writing articles, it turns out, is just good internet marketing.
Next time you see an article in one of those sites, perhaps pick an article on AboutdotCom, and take a close look at it.
You'll see what I mean.
First, you notice the article is accompanied by a biography, and the biography is accompanied by a link (sometimes more than one link!) a back link to your site is a valuable asset - it will drive traffic to your site and it'll boost your search engine rankings (eventually.
) Second, chances are, there's an offer to sign up for a newsletter.
That's about list-building.
Using the credibility that gets established when you create an article, you solicit an email address and an opt-in to mail them.
Third, notice that all around the article are sponsored ads or banner ads - often the ads are in the middle of the article!The article draws attention but the reader's eye just can't help from seeing the ads too.
Fourth, if you study the article carefully, you'll see that certain words and phrases are present within the text.
Often times, these are selected, not by happenstance of writing style, but because of their search engine popularity.
Again search engine rankings.
Fifth, in many cases, articles aren't even written for a specific site.
They're written and then distributed to thousands of content-hungry sites who then post the articles.
So think about it - backlinks, search engine rankings, list-building, opt-ins, and ad revenue.
Those are all rather compelling reasons to start writing articles today!
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