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The reputed to have happen so whether we're dealing with a gated activity prior to that t maximize or minimize it from occurring we optimize catapulted great to be pumping Fitzpatrick were to occur so it might have come to keep the activities that we would take off if they were actually happened with tracking into court now living a lie with let them know think bob strategy are we executed at the spot strategy ignorant goes off court return.
We might have connections that we need to check off predictive content track you can hear it throughout the entire life cycle of the project so we've gone through and rapid-fire fashion sum up what I consider to be the most critical but if you think of magneto apply on all project either ball at the level of death if you go into the area it will depend heavily on what we've got to do you have available to do this project management and all federal compact and how media project is forty project management some talk about requirement that quality schedule reported.
They call it the communication rat at that point planning and change management successor admit that I think that is not guaranteed projects to cut but it can improve our off population help our concern is that good intentions of project itself become a reality have a plan followed the plan track against your plant provides the plan repeated cycle over and over and continuous improvement cycle annex quiet complete with a brief respite or you can buy to find out more about sienna about the innovation Spencer revolving credit if you'll be pretty clear for the national project management institute and author of the Baltimore chapter of on you can find a lot more information about project management at about enough parking for the future I look forward to act two and a at the end of the fashion and I thank you very much for your attention in time computer found itself contributes to thievery little without any over to our next presenter any indicated that she could barely function and I just want to talk for a few minutes CLEANSE ULTIMO about coaching and before we get into that project management out of time to lagged with dead in the beginning and we are hoping to control network which means that we are eight-calibre gave me that of community health and there's the bully pulpit helped them in will help prevent and county health department and other out organization that their vendors currently have fixed the health and there is and I membership.
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