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The Guide To Bikini Hair Removal
Some areas the hair growth is sparse and some areas the growth is dense.
The hair growth is especially dense in sensitive areas.
If you observe closely almost the entire skin has hair except few areas like palm, soles etc.
This is a characteristic of all mammals.
Reasons for Bikini Hair RemovalMost people go out to beaches, swimming pools, sauna baths etc for relaxing and having fun.
The costume worn by women at these places is usually a bikini.
Since bikinis generally reveal skin and areas like inner thighs, arm pits etc it becomes essential to remove hair from these parts.
General Requirements : The requirement for bikini hair removal is that no hair should be seen while wearing the costume.
Trimming is sometimes done where in the hair length is reduced but not completely removed.
The other styles of hair removal are triangle, rectangle, narrow strip etc.
These are employed when going to a nude beach or other such place.
Methods Employed : The usual methods employed are listed below: 1) Shaving : Razors are used to cut the hair at the level of skin 2) Epilators: Epilators are electric devices used to remove the hairs with the root.
3) Waxing and sugaring: Hot wax or other chemicals are used to remove hair.
4) Hair removal creams and lotions are commonly employed for hair removal for bikinis.
5) Burning the hair tips is also employed sometimes however considerable skill is required for this or there may be a painful accident.
Precautions : Bikini hair removal is from sensitive and difficult to reach parts hence few precautions need to be adhered to: 1) Electric shavers are safer and do not shave off skin along with the hair.
2) Re-growth of hair can cause itching and discomfort.
3) Using hair removal creams or lotion for removal of pubic hair may cause skin irritations.
4) Avoid showering before waxing for removal of pubic hair because dry hair is easier to pull off.
5) Never use old fashioned blade razor choose female razor instead.
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