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Time Investment: What"s Your ROI?
"Go in any bookstore and you'll see what a hot topic this is.
It seems that people are seeking the 10 Easy Steps to Time Management.
A recent search on Google yielded 716 million hits from "time management!"Many people perceive they do not enough time in a day to accomplish everything.
How many times have you heard (or thought!)"I wish I had a 36 hour day!" Recently, in preparation for another time management presentation, I started thinking about "investing" time versus "spending" time.
An investment provides a return.
Something spent is used-up, worn out, expended, or exhausted.
When applied to time, I want to invest my time and not spend it.
The return may not be immediate, but long-lasting and enduring.
We only have the moment we are in and then it is gone forever; do I spend it or invest it?What is the return I want?What are the benefits when I invest my time wisely as opposed to spending it or using it? In order to invest time, I must realize I have choices to make.
Do I really have a choice?What about all those things that have to be done?I have bills to pay, kids to raise, parents to take care of, etc!Challenge your thinking to consider what options do you have?What is preferable - at this time?There doesn't ever seem to be a "perfect" time - just now.
We make a multitude of choices in a day, seemingly unconscious decisions at times.
Choosing not to decide is making an equally powerful choice.
What would my life look like if I made choices throughout the day based on investing in what matters most to me? What choices will you make today to invest your gift of time?
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