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How to Become a Gothic Model
- 1). Perfect your look by deciding what kind of look you want to put across to potential employers and photographers. While most gothic models stick to the darker look, there’s a market for alternative gothic models who use bright streaks in their hair or wear funkier clothing. You should decide on the look you want to use before you start looking for an agent.
- 2). Ask a friend to take some photographs of you in model like poses. This doesn’t have to be complicated because you can use any pose that you like or poses that make you look good. Using a digital camera will help you go through and decide on the spot which poses are better. Many agents and professional photographers need some of your work before they’ll work with you.
- 3). Hire a professional photographer to take images that you can use in your portfolio. While you can use the pictures your friend took, you should also use some professional images as well. This shows that you have some diversity and can work with a variety of different people.
- 4). Register at the Gothic Models website and begin uploading different pictures from your portfolio. A large number of casting directors, modeling agencies and anyone looking for Gothic models visit this website to find the type of person they need. You can find work or find places that are hiring once you register for an account.
- 5). Look through your local telephone book for modeling agencies and casting directors in your area and in nearby cities. Call each one directly and ask if they hire Gothic models. Some areas, especially smaller towns may not have a need for this type, but you’ll never know unless you call. Then you can meet with the agents and directors personally or send a copy of your portfolio so they can see if you have the right look.
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