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Do Your Emotions Cloud Reality?
There have been emotions from all sides involved in this issue.
Many times the emotions have overrun rational thinking.
I'm not going to argue one side or the other.
That's not what this article is about.
What I will use are areas in this debate and others that show how emotions can cloud the reality of a situation.
Some have argued that the health insurance companies are getting massive profits and should be stopped from doing so.
The facts that were recently brought out were that the actual profit margin in 2008 was only 2.
So where is the reality when the arguments began? How about you? Do you let your emotions get in the way of rational thinking? I know I have.
Since humans are emotional beings, we will always let our emotions get the best of us.
That is especially true when a situation is closer to home.
If something happens to a family member by a criminal, many people will rise in arms against any person they felt may have done the harm, whether they did it or not.
We cloud our reality when we make judgments against somebody that looks and acts different than us.
Again, that's based on our emotions.
On the "other end of the coin", reality can seem bad.
So where do we go, into our emotions.
We may see things and let them "get to us.
" We don't want to see the reality of something, so we'll get upset or just escape into a fantasy land.
You don't have to be like the character Spock in the Star Trek series.
You can have (and should) your emotions.
What you should learn to do is to learn to control what you can.
That is your response to a situation.
You can step back, internally, and leave emotions out of it.
Thereby you can make a more accurate assessment and get the facts before rushing to judgment.
Look into your own beliefs and values to understand why you perceive things a certain way.
Do they really fit the reality of a situation? Your behavior is based, in part, on what you believe and value.
Others may have differing beliefs and values.
By thinking rationally, you should understand it is okay for them.
Let others keep their beliefs and values as you should keep yours too.
In getting back the arguments being presented by all sides in the healthcare debate, we should all learn to understand there is value in each person's argument.
We should not place our own values and beliefs ahead of another's.
Instead, thinking rationally will get you closer towards your goal, while keeping your mind healthy.
Learn to live a more rational lifestyle and the good aspects of emotions.
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