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Some Tips in Writing Your Groom Speech

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Writing a speech is not everyone's cup of tea.
But every groom is put to the test when it comes to writing their groom speech.
Asking someone to write it for you may not be a good idea since it is your experience and thoughts that need to be conveyed to your family and friends.
There are many samples and templates out there on the net where you can pattern your writing format.
But please do not copy the thought or the entire message just because you ran out of time or you simply can't write a speech.
It will be noticeable when you deliver your groom's speech- you might even sound mechanical because used a pre-written script that wasn't heartfelt and original.
Here are some tips to help you get started with your groom's speech: * Find the time and dedication, no excuses Although no groom has been penalized and ridiculed for delivering an awful speech, it is often the lack of time and dedication to this task that put them in that position.
Your wedding should be a memorable one for everybody and not just for you and your bride, so make sure to spend enough time gathering your thoughts, talking to your family and friends for advice, and in writing a draft.
Your wedding preparations take months, so this gives you ample time to prepare yourself.
If you can't find the time during weekdays, at least take some minutes during breaks or when you are at home in the evenings and weekends.
* Use your computer to compose a draft of your groom's speech This is a practical advice especially if you don't have the time to write on paper and if you do want to save on paper.
And this is faster than jotting down notes since your thoughts could flow continuously and your hand may not be able to keep up with it.
And lastly, you can save your draft, get back to it some other time, edit it, and proof-read it when it's done.
* Look for samples on the net, but do not copy them Just to give you an idea, you can check out samples on the net.
See how they were written and pattern your writing on the style and flow of thought.
But do not copy the words because those are the words of the author and not yours.
You need to write your own thoughts in order to convey your message to your family, friends and guests.
* Stick to one page or less When you write and print your speech, make sure that it won't exceed one page or else you will bore your guests.
Write concise and straightforward thanks to the people you want to show gratitude and avoid unnecessary remarks as possible.
* Stick to positive messages of thanks You must remember that your wedding should be a memorable day for everyone.
So try to avoid telling stories of embarrassment and other negative things that could embarrass you and the people you want to thank.
Write short, positive and encouraging messages, not regrettable ones.
It is easier to write something out from the heart.
Just make sure to stick to positive things and events, as well as to an average length speech to give way to your bride, best man, your parents and other speakers, and also to prevent your guests from boredom.
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