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Mothers Hear Me

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What Mothers focus upon before conception and during incubation strongly effects the Child physically, mentally and spiritually.
Physically if the Mother thinks and feels health in every aspect, the Child will be born perfect in physical body.
If the Mother thinks and feels illness and disease in any or every aspect, the Child will be born ill and diseased.
The Mother can turn this around when she realizes her wrong and thinks and feels health in every aspect.
Even after the birth the Child will become healthy.
The Child can turn it's illness and disease around and become healthy, though it may take outside guidance.
Mentally the Mother can think and feel health but focus on mental inadequencies and diseases.
The Child will be born physically healthy but mentally inadequate and diseased.
The Mother can turn this around when she realizes her wrong and think and feel health and mental stability in every aspect.
Even after birth the Child will become healthy and mentally stable.
The Child can turn it's mental inadequencies and diseases around and become healthy and stable, though it may take outside guidance.
Spiritually the Mother can focus on evil and bear a healthy and stable but thoroughly evil Child.
Still the Mother can turn even this around when she realizes her wrong and thinks and feels healthy, stable and good.
Even this the Child can turn around, though it may take outside guidance.
Remember Mothers what you focus on, dwell upon, will effect the Child.
For the time before conception, during incubation and the time of child rearing lay aside your horror books, murder books and turn off the news, pickup your studies in life.
Educate yourself and the Child.
It is possible to focus on a picture and affect your Child's features,skin and hair color, research Wallace D.
Some of you demand to know the sex of your Child.
Do you understand that ultra sound can cause deafness, that ambiositis can allow infections and possibly cause a miscarriage? Do you truly wish to so frivolously endanger the Child? Mothers can't you choose a neutral color? Blue or Pink colors are a way to announce to everyone the sex of the Child.
After birth someone can buy, loan or give you a pink or blue blanket.
Mothers put power into everything you do.
If you do a job, any kind of job, do the very best you can do, make each movement and transaction count.
If you hate your job, your home, your life, the Child will be born with hate.
If you focus on fear your Child will be born with fear.
If you practise gratitude for the work that pays the bills and puts food on the table, better and more pleasurable work will come your way.
If you have no education, study on your own and find someone to talk to who has education.
Practise your reading, keep it simple, comprehension will follow.
Read aloud, involve your other children and family.
Put power and emotion into every word.
If you read mainly romance for your own pleasure, choose 15 minutes to an half hour morning and night to read aloud from a dictionary, encyclopedia or even old school books.
It is not necessary to buy new books to study.
Practise manual dexterity, use your hands typing or to make baskets.
Speak aloud the movements you are making and why.
The Child will hear you.
No, the Child will not necessarily grow up to be a typist or basket maker, just have good hand and eye coordination.
Put your focus on each movement.
Know that with each thing you do, with interest, affects the Child.
Listen to and enjoy good music, this will help to develop the Childs' facility to appreciate music.
But what if you also spent a few minutes each day really studying and playing a musical instrument? Even a tambourine, the spoons or a handsaw, these things will help build the Childs' brain and improve your own life.
Do not fret that what you have is not good enough or the Child will be born thinking you and it are not good enough.
Make good use of what you have with Joy and Gratitude.
Gratitude also that children grow very fast.
Why waste your money on disposable diapers, when cloth ones are healthier and can be passed on.
Baby clothes are very expensive when new, use old clothes as clean and well mended as might be.
Keeping new shoes on a baby or very young Child is expensive and possibly crippling.
Cloth knitted socks with a light sole for infants and very young children, you can easily make and are most healthful.
Sandals with firm soles for young children and adults during good weather are the most healthful.
Let the feet spread and develop, it will give the children a firm base to walk on the rest of their lives.
When you prepare food do so with love and good thoughts.
Plain locally grown foods are the best.
Beware of heavily processed foods, soy and formulas; these disturb the internal workings and cause unnecessary pain to the Child.
Once your Child is born, your every action, what you focus your attention on, still effects your Child.
Remember, love must be won on both sides constantly and much of love is based in pride.
Mothers you are in control.
Fathers are very important and need to do the same sorts of things.
But Mothers have the complete control of the Child before conception and during incubation until birth.
Fathers choose the Mother of your children very carefully; if she is lazy, indolent, greedy and grasping, her Child will have to overcome the Mothers' failings in it's self.
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