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Should We Complain About the Complainers?
In fact, it got so bad at one point that President Bush was blamed for nearly everything including hurricanes, global warming, the past wars of four continents, and he probably would have been blamed for Continental drift as well, but luckily for him his second term in office had ended.
During this time, the Conservatives called all those that were leaning far left; big-time complainers.
The reality is that it was merely politics as usual, and today as President Obama's poll ratings slip under 50%, now all the Conservatives are blaming President Obama for everything that's going on in the world.
So now that the conservatives are complaining, we find the Democrats saying that the conservatives are nothing but a bunch of big complainers.
Touché, and all we have done is handed each other our mirrors, but it's more than that, because it tells us what we are as a society and civilization are really about.
It shows us that we are divided, and we have a problem with our own mirrors and this is something we must solve.
If we truly want to go forward as a nation, it appears that we are at a terrible impasse.
Maybe, just maybe we shouldn't complain about the complainers, and maybe the complainers shouldn't complain either? Or maybe not, maybe that's just a human tradition, and something innate of the species, and if we were not complaining about each other, we'd figure something else to bitch about.
Indeed, I hope you will please consider all this at a more philosophical level, because it's time we get this show on the road and move this country into the future.
Think on it.
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