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Flood Zones Defined
- A special flood hazard area has the highest risk of flooding. According to FEMA, a home located in a special flood hazard area has a 26 percent chance of flooding during the term of a 30-year mortgage. Coastal areas that can be affected by a storm surge are considered special hazard areas, as are areas located near rivers that could be affected by large quantities of rain. Homeowners in these areas with federally backed mortgages are required to carry flood insurance.
- Areas that have a moderate to low risk of flooding are considered non-special flood hazard areas. The possibility of a flood in these areas exists but is less than that of a special flood hazard area. Homeowners in these areas are not required to carry flood insurance.
- A flood analysis has not been conducted in an undetermined risk area, therefore the risk of flooding has not been established. Flood insurance is not required for homeowners residing in these areas but is recommended.
Special Flood Hazard Area
Non-special Flood Hazard Area
Undetermined Risk Area
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