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Dancing With the Infinite

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Dancing with the Infinite: Seeing the Beauty in All I was sitting in my cozy chair the other day reading a soothing passage of poetry when I realized my unoccupied wrist and hand were twirling in a figure eight to whatever instrumental was playing in the corner of my room.
The action itself has a comforting familiarity to me, as I spent a few of my younger years conducting music.
Suddenly, it popped into my "front brain" that I was twirling infinity, and I remembered the channel from August 2008.
The week prior to the auspicious date 08/08/08 I explored activities or attitudes one might be involved in to best utilize the energy of that time period, to synchronize themselves with the energy and with others.
While the date is past and some of the information seems geared to that "time", in fact, the recommendations are timeless.
There are references to China and the Olympics which can be applied to every person and situation in our lives.
You can, quite literally, insert the name of a person or event in place of the word "China", and still "get the message" about Creation - how it works and how to work with the refined energies now present in the Earth realms.
This same opportunity is at hand as we approach 2012.
While many are touting "the end", there is also the possibility that it is simply the ending of life as we have known it, and the beginning of something much more wonderful.
In fact, most seers of today - those who are truly tapped-in to other dimensional energies - are sending the message that the best is yet to come.
The key is to understand that we, here on Earth, are creating whatever circumstances we will experience.
As you read through the channel, mentally substitute "2012" and the "Mayan people" for "China" or "080808".
You will see what I mean by the timelessness of the guidance.
Now is the time to practice our infinite abilities as creators.
Additionally in the channel, you will find references to Crop Circles and their role in our spiritual evolution.
This is directly connected to our personal DNA and ALL the information it contains.
For those of you who do not yet know, the Human, as designed in Divinity, contains 12 strands of DNA.
At present, our science is only able to detect 2 strands, and is not certain what all the functions of the 2 strands are.
[Excerpt from channel Carla Anderson/IM, August 2, 2008.
] Q: Do you have any suggestions for activities with regard to 8/8/08? C: We would encourage everyone with awareness to watch the Olympics and to focus their energy on the beauty of China.
There are many fragments of information and emotion whirling around your planet about what China has been, and what China is now, and how awful things will become if China does this or that, because of its size and population.
So, we would encourage those of you "in the know" to work with that in the ways we work with things, from the perspective that everything is always in perfect harmony, regardless of your ability to perceive it as such.
From the knowingness that this is perfect harmony, and from the knowingness that you create your own reality, we ask you to stare at your screen and SEE the beauty of China, and the beauty of the Chinese people, and you will create a beautiful China in the years to come.
Choose peace.
Choose beauty.
Choose to see the perfection in everything and you will create more peace, more beauty, and have less strife around the possibility that anything could be imperfect.
That is one thing, and that is a big thing.
It is bigger than planetary.
Let us say this; we will be focused on it ourselves.
Here is a comparison.
We spoke to you about the harmonic convergence and how many souls on Earth chose to align with a heavenly event.
We spoke to you about how that was a catalyst.
Now we say to you, heaven is choosing to align with your earthly event, as a catalyst.
It is that important.
Spin some energy.
Use these days, while you are walking around the house or the yard or wherever you are at, to wave your hand in a figure eight.
When you sing a song or do your chants wave your hands in a figure eight and reinforce your connection to infinity.
We would like that very much - for all of you to know your infinity.
Waving your arms will do that, especially if you have the numbers in your head while you are doing it.
If you are seeing the numbers 888, or 080808, the six digits work better - 080808.
See those in your mind while you are waving your hand.
The waving of the hand can be almost co-incidental.
(We love that word).
This will help to activate the dormant strands of DNA within the body of the person doing it.
It is like a crop circle in that sense.
The crop circles are key codes and they register with your subconscious mind, and they wake up parts of your DNA which are in [within] each of you but have not been utilized for eons.
Those strands are coming on line as part of the ascension.
Again, we say to those of you "in the know", it is beneficial to bring those additional strands of DNA online, and one of the things you can do to assist with that - in these days - is to see, in your mind's eye 080808.
See it anywhere.
It can be a type face on a page.
It can be a plane that has written it in the sky like a puffy cloud.
However you want to see 080808, use your body to re-create infinity sign.
Because it reinforces to those aspects of your DNA that you are an infinite being and you wish to wake up to that - fully.
Those parts of you that have been dormant will respond.
That is very powerful.
Very subtle.
You will probably have different dreams in the days that would follow.
You might begin to become aware of things that you were not before.
There are many things [activities] like this that help to loosen up things.
By that we are not implying that something is wrong or something is stuck.
You haven't needed these parts until now.
In order to get through ascension you will want them.
So, we are giving you all that we can to say that you will want these tools in your tool bag.
It will make the journey easier and more pleasant, more enjoyable.
In order to put this tool in your tool bag all you have to do is wave your arms a little bit, and do that while you are visualizing infinity, and beauty, and peace.
Assuring yourself - if you do not already have that feeling inside, make a point of assuring yourself - Life is infinite, and nothing is wrong, Nothing can be wrong in infinity.
The two cannot cohabitate [coexist].
Yes, do please make a point...
put a little energy into perceiving the beauty of China, and not the possible calamity of environmental destruction.
We understand your concerns, and they are valid from the standpoint of wanting to live in harmony with your planet.
Thank God, and thank you all as gods, for realizing that you do want to live in harmony with your planet.
That is a beautiful thing.
You will not destroy her.
You cannot destroy her.
You could have, possibly, created such a calamity that she would have to go on without you.
You would have to go on with your experiments in a different place.
But, we have told you and we assure you, that is no longer the case.
So, take a deep breath and be assured that as things are right now on Earth, the Earth and the souls choosing to inhabit her are in mutual agreement.
Part of the reason you have mutual agreement instead of calamity is because you have so many souls willing to focus their energy on the positive.
This is an opportunity.
Tune in.
Tune up.
Focus on the beauty of China.
Encourage all of your friends to do so.
If they have trouble with that [seeing the beauty of China] then go online and find a picture of some beautiful scene in that country and make them stare at it, or read to them from one of the many beautiful teachings that have come out of that country in the last 5,000 years.
There has been much wisdom there.
There is much beauty to China.
So put your focus on that.
This channel reiterates the importance of affirming our infinity and the power of the choices we make in each circumstance of our lives.
The free will to choose, and the ability to focus our thoughts on how we wish to perceive events, actually creates the world we live in - individually, locally, globally and beyond.
You can use these techniques and attitudes in every aspect of your life.
Whether you are chanting, or twirling around your living room to the latest American Idol hit, take the opportunity to wave your hands in a figure eight - to reinforce your connection to infinity.
Anytime something, or someone, occurs in your life which causes you some unsettlement choose to see the beauty of that person or circumstance.
You may not immediately be able to perceive the gift at hand, but you can always find some upside to any situation, or some positive attributes of an individual.
As you place your focus on that aspect which you are thankful for, you begin to attract more circumstances to be thankful for.
Enjoy the ride! Carla
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