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How to Make an Elastic Band for Working Out
- 1). Purchase a 5-foot piece of surgical tubing, which can be found at most medical-supply stores or online retailers.
- 2). Lay the tubing straight out on a flat surface.
- 3). Set a 12-oz. soda can on one end of the tubing, and wrap the end around the can to form a loop. Leave an approximate 3-inch fringe on the end.
- 4). Tie a tight overhand knot (see Resources) by taking the short end of the tubing, wrapping it beneath the long end and through the loop formed around the can. Pull to secure. Repeat this twice below the first overhand knot, wrapping the fringe beneath the tubing, then through the new loop formed between the fringe and tubing. Pull tightly to secure.
- 5). Slide the can out from the tubing loop. The resulting loop forms a handle through which to put your hand when working out. Repeat steps 3 and 4 on the other end of the tubing to form the second handle.
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