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Best Ways to Stop Premature Ejaculation
Think of dead babies-
Yeah I know very vulgar, sorry about that. I will explain. The mind is a very powerful thing, you need to learn how to control your mind and its thoughts to stop premature ejaculation. Stress can cause premature ejaculation. Did you know that concentrating on not cumming can even make you cum faster. Isn't that messed up. So clear your mind before you have sex and don't stress so much on premature ejaculation. Just relax and enjoy the ride. When you feel your going to cum too quick think of anything that can take your mind off cumming like dead babies. It does not matter what it is, think about a ugly woman, a bad experience, dead kittens, something that is taboo enough to get your mind off cumming.
My best friend told me about this method. I tried this before and it did me wonders it may do the same for you. If you think the premie is coming pull out and squeeze either the base of your penis or your testicles. Do not be stupid and squeeze to were your hurting yourself but just enough to collect yourself. When the orgasm subsides get back on that horse.
This is probably one of the best ways to stop premature ejaculation. But it does take practice on your time. You see this is actually a penis exercise, what you do is get a wet face towel place on your penis and try to lift the towel with your penis. This is called a kelch. What your doing is contracting your pc muscle and this gives you more control of your orgasm. The basic kelch is to hold and contract an erection for as long as you can. If you feel pressure around your rectum and anus area your doing it right. At first you might only be able to kelch for 2 to 5 seconds. But if you practice you will be able to kelch and redirect the orgasm. I mean you can really stop premature ejaculation at that point of no return that we men all fear. Just practice whenever you go to the bathroom, you will notice results real quick. So whenever you feel a premie coming on pull out and kelch, if you can do it for 10 seconds, you just mastered how to stop premature ejaculation. Remember you do not need a towel for this exercise you can do it anywhere and anytime without people even noticing.
Masturbate before sex-
That is right I said it. If you don't know, you better ask somebody. What you do is right before you go out or before you think your about to have sex go to your bathroom and knock one out. Yes, pull a Ben Stiller moment. This is why, your doing two things. One your decreasing your chances of getting her pregnant. If you notice the more times you cum the less it comes out. For example. Say your really bored and you masturbate once. You ejaculate normal. Say you want to masturbate again, the second time less cum is going to come out. Secondly, if you notice it is much harder to ejaculate after you came once already. So by masturbating before sex, you will be having sex after you already came, so you are automatically going to last longer. Who knows you might not cum at all. Sorry if that was confusing, i am trying best give me a break. Ha Ha I never imagined myself writing something like this.
Using a condom-
I know it sucks and it does not feel as good. But a condom can be your best friend in the premature ejaculation department. I am the type of guy cares more about pleasuring the woman than myself when I am having sex. So I don't mind using condoms. By using condoms consistently you will get use to the feeling and be able to last longer. I mean lets face it guys, the real thing can be overwhelming. So you have to ask yourself what you care about most, pleasuring her or yourself. But I suggest this mainly for single men who just like relations and not relationships. The players know what I mean.
Well good luck, I hope this helped.
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