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Stop Masturbating!

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Do you realize that the pornography industry is making billions of dollars off of you! Are you tired of being trapped by your habits?

Masturbation is not a moral deficiency. It is normal and healthy. But Internet Pornography is an addiction. One that can be stopped. No need for embarrassing meetings or snapping a rubber band on your wrist. It is simply a matter of changing your habits.

That is what my e book is all about. Learning to break the cycle of bad habits and installing a quality of life chosen by you! No political rants. No religious dogma to follow. Just a plain and simple path that eliminates the need to stop looking at pornography and developing a new life.

This book will be out in a few months. I guarantee that what I am writing will have the pornography industry shaking in its boots. This is simply because I have eliminated all the spiritual hullabaloo and the political rhetoric around this topic. Nothing but a presentation of the facts leading up to the present and the future. A future for you.

Imagine what you could do with all that free time and money you have been wasting looking at Internet porn. Here's a partial list of things I can think of:

Starting a new hobby
Getting physically fit
Becoming a CEO of your own company
Helping those less fortunate than you and other altruistic things.
Traveling the world
Finding that perfect girl
Becoming a notorious ladies man
Buying that new special item you have always wanted
Becoming disgustingly rich or at least financially independent

But what happens most is people just sit around and do nothing but dream! While dreaming is great it will not get you any nearer to your dream without taking ACTION. That is precisely what this book sets out to do. To plot a course of action for you and make your dreams a reality.

"So Jack," you may be asking yourself, "What does masturbation have to do with fulfilling dreams?'

I'm glad you asked! Let's just take a look at masturbation.....

It is DREAMING of being in a sexual encounter with (usually) a beautiful woman. It is a fantasy!

"So what's wrong with that, Jack?"

Fantasy is not Reality. We get hooked on Fantasy and that idea permeates into all areas of our life! Our emotions, our intellect, our finances, our physical bodies and dare I say it, our spirituality are all tied up in FANTASY! Not reality.

Sex is one of the biggest drivers of our society. It manifests itself everywhere and you will see this clearly in my e book. I have not even revealed the name of this book to anyone but a select few for fear of this getting into the wrong hands. This is absolutely revolutionary material that will change your thinking of not only how the world works but your own personal life as well. Some of the ideas in this book are time tested. Others are revolutionary. There is even a special chapter devoted to religious readers and leaders. And it is all tied together in a neat little package I will be offering to the public soon.

It's not just a "how to stop jacking off guide" It's a new way of life.

I know the pain of Internet porn addiction. I've been there. I've been to sex addicts meetings. religious retreats and other embarrassing ways stop. But for years I could not find what I was looking for. A proven method based on scientific evidence that not only removes the desire to jack off but replaces it with a new found fervor and zest for life.
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