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How To Get Women Into Bed - The Truth About Nonverbal Communication
One of them is a statistic that's been tossed around. It says that 93 percent of all communication is done at the nonverbal level. This is totally false. This comes from a study in UCLA that showed that, when people weren't allowed to communicate with words, they still communicated pretty well. How they arrived at the exact figure, I don't know.
This is not true because lots of guys pick up girls using phone and text, where all you've got is verbal communication. There are lots of stories (probably among your friends) where guys have used nothing but this verbal communication to get girls to fly across the country and spend the weekend. If you were only getting 7 percent of the communication going, this would not be possible.
It is true that nonverbal communication is extremely important. But body language itself isn't going to get you laid. It has to be mixed with a good verbal game and physical escalation.
The main reason that nonverbal communication is important is that it lets you show her your attitude, your level of comfort and your emotional state. It lets you communicate on different channels so that you can make it as varied as possible. That way, she's getting the full extent of your communication.
Another reason that it's important is that if your body language isn't perfectly controlled, it can kill your chances of picking up girls. If what you say verbally doesn't fit what your body's telling her, you'll look creepy. This is when women can tell when something's a little bit off or you're pretending to be something you're not. It is a definite attraction killer.
If you don't believe me, just think about guys who can't hold eye contact. Or, if you're doing something like telling her a story about a stripper you met and it's a total lie, your uncontrolled body language will give you away.
This is why nonverbal communication is so important. But don't be fooled to think that it's all you need to know about how to get women into bed. You still need to have a strong verbal game as well.
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