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Cold Sores - One Of The Banes Of People"s Lives!
Most of us know the dread that comes from that tingle we feel when we get that first inkling that we are about to be visited by that most nasty and painful enemy...
The Cold Sore.
How does a cold sore work? ..
The virus lies dormant (inactive) in the nerves at the junction of skin and mucous membranes.
And every now and then the dormant viruses become active and this is what causes cold sores.
The onset of the dreaded cold sore is first felt as a tingling sensation in the area followed by the raising and subsequent blistering of the skin.
The sores will become covered by scabs that will typically, fall off after 7 to 10 days.
The virus can spread until the sores are completely covered by scabs.
How do we get Cold Sores? ..
The virus can only be transmitted by close personal contact such as kissing, and are usually passed on in early childhood when someone is kissed by a person such as a family member, with an active cold sore.
People lucky enough not to catch the virus in child hood usually then contract the virus from their early kissing encounters from an infected partner .
The virus goes through the skin and travels up the nerve, where it lies dormant until triggered.
Can we Cure Cold Sores? ..
To the authors knowledge as yet there is no known cure or effective way of ridding yourself from the virus in a nut shell when you get it you have it for life,but there are many ways and treatments available to keep the cold sore virus at bay and provide relief from the pain and mental suffering that having a cold sore causes.
What are the main causes of recurring cold sores? ..
Triggers can be different for each individual but the main triggers seem to be ..
Colds and flu or other viruses that weaken the body's defenses.
Strong sunlight and cold winds.
emotional upset.
fatigue, tiredness and lack of sleep.
menstrual periods.
when the body is run down etc .
stress to the body.
How can you help your body to fight the cold sore virus? ..
Stress burns up large amounts of nutrients needed for a good immune system, thus weakening your defenses.
lowering amounts of B and C vitamins, magnesium, calcium and potassium all these are lowered in the body from stress.
and can be a factor in cold sores occurring.
What precautions should people with active cold sores take? ..
The main thing to remember is ..
ALWAYS wash your hands after treating/touching the infected area.
While the sad and painful fact is that when you get the virus there is no known way to get rid of it and we will have to live with it for the rest of our lives.
But there are many many different and unique ways to treat it ..
creams, gels, ointments, vitamins supplements, electronic virus zappers etc.
check out my website for all the latest developments on cold sores.
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