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Chain Braid Hairstyles
- To create a singe chain braid, comb wet hair to remove all the knots. Separate a small fistful of hair at the top of the head and split into two even sections. Tie the two sections into a simple shoelace knot. Add small sections of hair to each of your two sections and knot again. Continue down the head, making sure to keep the sections even. Add all the hair to the chain braid by the time you get to the bottom. Secure into a ponytail or wrap the extra hair into a bun and secure with bobby pins.
- Chain braid pigtails look classic with a twist. Split the hair in half with a straight part down to the neck. Secure one side with a ponytail holder to keep it out of the way while you're working. Starting at the top of one side, grab a small amount of hair, split into two even sections and knot. Continue down to the neck and secure the chain braid with a ponytail holder. Untie the hair on the other side or the head and make a chain braid. You can secure the second chain braid with a ponytail holder for pigtails, or attach it to the other chain braid and add a central bow.
- Braided headbands are braids along the crown of the head that result in a bohemian look. Comb hair into a ponytail and secure leaving a couple inches around the face. Start with a small section of hair at the base of the ear, split into two even parts and knot. Continue the chain braid up and around the forehead until you get to the base of the other ear. Secure the excess hair with bobby pins. You can keep the back of you hair in a ponytail or curl it and let it hang down.
- Start with a small section of hair above the right eye, split into two even parts and knot. Continue a small chain braid angled to the left and tie it off when you reach above the ear. Start a new chain braid directly behind the first so it's parallel. Tie off the extra hair just behind the ear. Curl the extra hair to leave it down, or tie it into a neat bun for a more formal look.
- Pull the back of the hair into a ponytail leaving, four or five inches around the face. Part the hair into an even middle part or a diagonal side part and secure one side of it. Do a small, tight chain braid on one side until you use up the hair and neatly secure with a ponytail holder. Perform the same small, tight chain braid on the other side and secure. Let down the back of the hair and pull all the pieces into a high ponytail and tie off. Separate the hair into three even pieces and braid until you reach the bottom. Secure with a ponytail holder.
Single Chain Braid
Chain Braid Pigtails
Chain Braided Headband
Double Chain Braid
Double Chain Braid High Ponytail
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