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Glaucoma - Are You At Risk?
Glaucoma can be so insidious because there are often no symptoms that can be easily identified in the early onset of the disease - making regular screening and understanding risk factors - so incredibly important for managing the disease.
So what are the risk factors associated with glaucoma?
Age - Those older than 60 are more at risk for developing glaucoma.
Ethnicity - African-Americans and Mexican-Americans are more at risk for developing glaucoma.
Elevated Eye Pressure - Those with increased eye pressure are more at risk for developing glaucoma and should be evaluated on a regular basis.
Family History - Those with a personal or family history of glaucoma or more at risk for developing the disease.
Other Medical Conditions - Some medical conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes can be contributing factors to glaucoma.
Understanding your risk factors puts you in a better position to protect yourself against glaucoma by alerting your eye doctor and being screened on a regular basis.
If you experience any symptoms such as blurred vision, red eyes, halos seen around lights, or any loss of vision - especially peripheral vision - then you should see your eye doctor immediately for the appropriate testing. More advanced cases of glaucoma will result in tunnel vision and even eye pain that may also include nausea and vomiting.
About Author
Key-Whitman Eye Center has been recognized as a leading eye-care facility providing LASIK eye laser surgery for vision correction & general eye care services. Treatment for cataracts, glaucoma, and corneal disease as well as routine eye care in addition to vision correction is offered by the eye center.
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