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About Anti-Wrinkle Cream
- A host of creams and lotions are available on the market and many of them claim to reduce wrinkles. The success of one person's results in using an anti-wrinkle cream depends on the quality of the product's active ingredients, how faithfully you use the product, as well as the type of wrinkles. A cream cannot remove deep creases but some will reduce the appearance of fine lines and improve the general quality and appearance of the complexion.
- Certain ingredients have been proven to work better than others. Many have not been undergone research studies. Some common ingredients include Retinol which is used in non-prescription form, tretinoin used in prescription-strength treatments, Coenzyme Q10, hydroxy acids, copper peptides, kinetin, and extracts of tea.
- Anti-wrinkle creams require faithful application daily. Most products are designed to be used once or twice a day and most make it clear that it takes several weeks before any noticeable improvement.
- Anti-wrinkle creams are available as over-the-counter formulas or in stronger, prescription strengths. You can find the former in drugstores, department store cosmetic counters, large discount stores, and online. A dermatologist can write a prescription for the stronger products available through the pharmacy.
- The list of anti-wrinkle products is extensive and continues to grow. To choose one, ask friends if they can recommend a product. Research the various active ingredients to make an informed judgement on what you want in a product. Many online sites and blogs provide product reviews -- though be aware if the site is selling the product! Look for actual tests or real consumer comments. Note that choosing an over-the-counter product will provide fewer or less concentrated ingredients than a prescribed cream. Although anti-wrinkle creams all tend to be pricey, the cost of a product is not necessarily a sign of its effectiveness. Try the anti-wrinkle cream chosen for several weeks. If you see good results, then continue. If you don't see any difference you may want to try another product.
- Anti-wrinkle creams may irritate the skin, causing a burning sensation or a rash. Some ingredients such as alpha hydroxy acids greatly increase your susceptibility to sunburn and the resultant skin damage so you must limit your exposure and use a strong sunscreen product after using the formula. Be careful to always read and follow the product instructions for the product you're using.
- Anti-wrinkle creams are regulated as cosmetics, not drugs. Since the strong testing required of drugs is not required, anti-wrinkle products may not be vigorously tested for either effectiveness or safety. If you have a burning, rash, reddening or any other response, discontinue use and for major problems see your dermatologist.
Choosing a Product
Side Effects
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