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Foods That Demolish Your Energy

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Do you ever feel as though you are running on fumes? You eat three times a day and even snack in between meals but you still feel lethargic.
Shouldn't you be able to function without falling asleep at your desk? Not true! When it comes to the human body we were designed to run on high octane fuel kind of like a luxury vehicle.
The better the quality of food you put into your system the longer lasting energy you experience.
For some of us this can make a world of difference and in the process it can clean up an unhealthy diet.
Here are some foods you should avoid and some healthy replacement ideas as well.
The first culprit worth mentioning is sugar.
It's considered to be one of the largest addictions in this country aside from drug addiction.
When we consume anything with sugar such as candy, sweets, or refined white flour products a brain chemical is released similar to the one our brain releases when we abuse drugs such as heroin or morphine.
OK now you understand that it's a serious addiction right? Sugar may give you sudden energy but because it is metabolized so rapidly you are left with that crash like feeling shortly after.
You then continue to repeat this vicious cycle through out the day just to keep your lids open.
A better choice would be a source of protein such as natural peanut butter and whole grain flax bread or crackers.
By putting a protein with a complex carbohydrate you are slowing the rate at which you digest the carbohydrate while adding a high-quality source of fiber to your diet.
Another obvious mistake most of us make when it comes to boosting energy is consuming caffeine.
The most common being coffee, tea, or high energy sports drinks.
While this buzz feels great, it usually doesn't last long and again we experience exhaustion following our attempt to maintain stamina.
Instead keep a bottle of water with you and fill it when ever it's empty.
Water is a great way to boost your energy, give you clarity, and keep you appropriately hydrated.
Since your body is about 70% water it is vital to maintain accurate hydration in order to keep bodily functions working correctly.
It not only boosts physical energy but it improves brain power too.
I think we've all done this at some point or another, we run to a local fast food joint on our lunch break because we are crunched for time and we order a combo meal from either Burger King or McDonalds.
Of course everything should be supersized since the option is there.
So not only are you getting a magnificently lacking nutritious meal, you are also consuming a large amount of fat that might give you a lovely stay in the cardiac unit of your local hospital.
What I'm getting at is a large amount of fat at mealtime is not only terrible for your health but it leaves you feeling exhausted because it's so hard to digest.
Consuming low-fat items like organic yogurt with fresh fruit or a handful of unsalted raw almonds are good choices that are also low in fat and will help to keep you satiated.
It's also important to mention that skipping meals or not eating enough will wipe you out quickly.
If you don't fuel your body properly how can you expect to achieve the energy you require? Another downside to this awful habit is that you set yourself up for possible binge eating seeing as you become ravenous by the time you get home you then proceed to splurge on all the wrong things and then you're stuck trying to digest a massive amount of food which leaves you feeling extremely bloated, drained and full.
Try eating smaller amounts of food frequently during the day to keep you going and you will find that this is less challenging on your digestive system.
Learning how to provide your body with the energy it needs, can be a little complicated if you don't take the time to properly care for yourself.
Eating healthy should be a way of life and not a trend.
Remember that what you put in your body affects you from the inside out.
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