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Do not let your career go down due to Color blindness

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One of the renowned eye disease-color blindness. It sounds interesting. Though it is termed and considered as disease, it is in one way a boon. Move on studying the article and you will know how.

Before justifying how it is a boon, you should know what is it actually and why it is a disease.

Well, color blindness is an inability to differentiate between different colors. So, a color blind person has so many colors before his or her eyes, it is going to be difficult for him or her to identify each one of it. Some will be ignored. It is a genetic disorder or hereditary problem. Generally, it is found more in men than in females.

Most common type of color blindness is Red and green. Blue color blindness is rarely found. This trait is usually passed from mother to son on the 23rd chromosome (sex chromosome).

Now, what is the disadvantage of being a color blind person. The first major obstruction due to color blindness is the obstruction or a big hurdle in career making. This disease is liable for making a professional body improper or unsuitable for most of the professional jobs. For your knowledge, i can mention here some of the jobs which is blocked due to this disease:

1)Aviation like pilot
2)Air hostess
3)Web designing
4)Chemical industries
5)Engineer or railways
6) Air traffic controller
7)Armed forces
8)Ceramic and Cosmetic industry
9)Paint and ink industry
10)Carpet industry
11)Telephone installer
12)Police of some grades
13)And the list continues
14)Click on: http://www.artificialeyeco.com/colorblindness.php to learn more in this regard.

In brief, color blindness test is now one of the main criteria to be fulfilled for most of the job be it medical, Engineering, banking, IT field or web design etc. So, it is clear from the fact that it is one of the major eye disorder in one's life. And, this need to be fight upon.

Besides, being so trouble-some, it can be treated as boon. It is so because it helps in detecting camouflage which a normal human being finds it difficult or impossible.
Perhaps, just one advantage and not so much of importance in every individuals life.

By the way, main point of discussion is something else. And quite funny. Bigger is obstacle, minor is the cure. What requires is to take an initiative to find out the solution. It takes 2 minutes to cure and make your free from this disease. So, nothing to worry about . You are just two minute delayed to become suitable for any professional job. You will be reading Ishihara book with no problem.

The solution for disease is best available in India with Artificial eye company (AEC) located in Kolkata. The owner of this company is Dr. Sumitra Agarwala and it is run by her since long years with huge recognition and certification.

Want to know about Dr. Sumitra Agarwala and her success as an ocularist? Click here: http://www.artificialeyeco.com/know-us.php .

Besides treating color blindness, AEC is a famous unit providing for treatment or service:
1)Artificial eye (also a leading supplier)
2)Low vision aid
3)Breast prosthesis
4)Silicon artificial belly
5)Cancer wig

Dr. Sumitra has gave a new life and new way of looking life to many patients both from India and abroad. The damaged eyes is not the end of life but it is challenge to be taken up and fought with. Here is various testimonials which is the real life story of patients narrated by themselves. Click here to read: http://www.artificialeyeco.com/testimonials.php .
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