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Types of Government Systems
A federal or federation government, such as that in Russia, divides the sovereign power between a central government and smaller units such as states, usually by means of a constitution. Each smaller unit maintains some power, but the central power still has some control over both the smaller governmental units and individual citizens.
Socialist governments, such as that of Norway, generally allow the public limited financial independence, own many of the major industries and control education, health care and welfare.
In a communist government such as that of Cuba, the government owns all businesses and industry, and controls all public services such as health care, education and welfare.
In a republic, such as the United States, the people elect political leaders who then maintain office for a set period of time.
In a dictatorship, there is one leader who makes the laws and maintains total control, generally by force. Iraq was a dictatorship until the fall of Saddam Hussein.
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