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The Five Things That Have Put You Exactly Where You Are Today
#1: The Thoughts You Habitually Think
What thoughts typically run through your mind? Most people are thinking constantly. In fact the Buddhists would tell us that the main cause of stress in western society is that we don't know how to stop thinking, to allow the spirit a chance to recharge. What I am wondering is what kinds of thoughts are going through your mind.
Do you think more about the good around you or about the bad? The world we live in has always been a mixture of good and bad and probably always will be. Now, however, we have the media who choose to give us a daily dose of bad news from all over the world. Do you find that you tend to think about the bad things that are going on or do you focus on what is good and beautiful in the world?
Do you focus on problems or solutions? Everyone, including you, has their own personal problems and difficulties to deal with in life. Some problems are big and others are small, but everyone has their share. Do you find yourself thinking about these problems and the difficulties they cause you or do you find that you think more about the solutions and the fun of finding those solutions?
Do you view the future with positive enthusiasm or negative dread? What thoughts of your future wander through your mind each day? What percentage of those thoughts are positive thoughts of a magnificent life and what percentage are thoughts of doom and gloom?
#2: The Things You Habitually Do Or Avoid Doing
Twenty four hours each day you are doing something. You sleep, you eat, perhaps you work, maybe watch TV or read or talk to people, or dance or laugh or cry, or whatever. But what are the things you habitually do and how do you do them?
The things you choose to do create who you are. It has been said that the ticket to failure is a six-pack and a TV. How many of the things you regularly do are things that enhance your life and give you a true sense of achievement and satisfaction?
Of cause it's not just what you do that counts it's also how you do them. Do you approach the things you do with energy and enthusiasm and purpose, enjoying every minute or do you drag your butt through the day and collapse in bed at night glad that the day is over. The number of days you have in life is strictly limited, are you making the best of them or not?
#3: The People You Habitually Mix With
Every day in every way you become a little more like the people you habitually mix with. Have a good look at them and ask yourself what they are like. Is being more like them a good thing or a bad thing?
Are they inspiring, happy, positive, successful people that you would gladly recommend as a role model? Or do they come up a little short on role model potential? These are very important questions because like it or not they are YOUR role models, and your life is becoming more and more like their life each and every day.
#4: The Books You Read and the Audios You Listen To
The billionaire Donald Trump is a total fanatic for time management and efficient use of his time. He has even managed to get most of his meetings down to minutes and rarely stops for lunch. If he does have to have a business lunch he limits it to 15 minutes and books it close to his office so that he doesn't waste time. Yet Donald allocates 3 hours each day to reading books that will improve him personally and in business.
When it comes to the reading habit, Mr. Trump is not unusual amongst the very successful. Successful people read a lot of good, educational and personal development books. They also listen to success oriented audio programs and aim to fill and refill their minds with good material on a daily basis. These successful people know that what you put in comes out automatically in your life.
What do you read? Do you read at all? What are the lyrics like in the songs you listen to? What sort of movies do you like to watch? Everything you put into your brain is filtered by your subconscious mind and makes a little contribution to the person you are becoming. What you HABITUALLY put in adds up to a huge contribution toward the person that you will be tomorrow.
#5: The Challenges You Set Yourself
What type of challenges do you habitually set yourself? Have you given up setting challenges at all? Are you struggling this year with the same unfulfilled challenges that you had last year and the year before?
The challenges that you take on and conquer set the direction of your life. If you don't take on challenges or if you don't rally yourself to conquer challenges then you have no direction. You are just floating back and forth, same old, same old until one day you drop dead without ever having glimpsed the magnificent life that you could have had.
There are terrible crimes that some people commit but surely the worst crime possible is to waste the magnificent opportunity called life! I don't know for sure how the universe works but I think that there is a very good chance that you only get one shot at life; whatever you do don't waste it.
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