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The OFCCP Wants to Know Why You Didn"t Hire Albert Einstein
Your company wants someone to head up the E=MC2 department.
A little old man toddles in and gives you his resume; it is crumbled and torn and even has a few coffee stains on it.
The man who gave you that resume isn't in any better shape.
He is dressed in a rumpled t-shirt and baggy pants, his hair isn't combed and he looks like he might be 85 years old.
He says 'Hello' in a thick German accent and asks to talk to someone about applying for a job.
Your hiring manager takes one look at this man and says, 'Sorry the position has been filled.
' The next thing you know the Department of Labor is after you for age discrimination.
A Job Recruiting Software package would not only have flagged this gentleman as good prospect your company would be able to report to the government how you are staffing your office with a diverse workforce.
All companies who have contracts with the federal government are required to give recruitment statistics to the federal government.
According to the OFCCP, 'The purpose of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs is to enforce, the contractual promise of affirmative action and equal employment opportunity required of those who do business with the Federal government.
' Until now keeping these statistics has been nothing short of a nightmare let alone reporting them.
Job Applicant Tracking to the rescue.
Job Applicant Tracking software will help your company keep track of who has applied, their qualifications and request that each applicant fill out a voluntary OFCCP form.
These software packages can be created to have minimum hiring requirements, reasons for not being selected and send thank you notes to each applicant making them feel appreciated.
If your company happens to be audited by the Department of Labor you will have all the information you need at your finger tips.
Why one person was offered a job while someone just as qualified didn't even make it to a phone interview.
Your human resources department will have all the answers and your entire company can avoid the cost and embarrassment of being fined by the federal government for discriminatory hiring practices.
Other benefits of using recruiting software are having answers to other department's questions.
For instance, do we have anyone waiting to be interviewed, where are we in the interview process and how long will it take before someone gets hired.
As candidates are interviewed notes can be taken by HR on how questions were answered.
If the candidate isn't qualified for one position but is deemed a hot prospect for another that can be noted also.
Using recruiting software would have caught Mr.
Einstein's qualifications even before anyone set eyes on him.
Even though he did put in his minimum job qualifications that he couldn't lift 50 pounds your company would have hired him anyway.
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