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Rift Cleric Builds - A Quick Guide To Rift Cleric Builds!

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The Cleric is one of the more versatile classes in the Rift universe owing to its excellent mix of offensive and defensive skills as well as its ability to act at a short range or medium-range distance when dealing DPS.
Depending on the specific purpose, there are Rift Cleric builds that can be made to suit the scenario that you plan to spend most of your time with in the Planes of Telara.
Whether you simply want leveling and solo questing, rift invasion or dungeon raids, PvP, PvE, AoE or Warfronts, there are appropriate Rift Cleric builds that are tailored made for these purposes and can be properly tuned to specifications that will enhance your chances of success while on the battlefields of Telara.
For those who want to focus on the Cabalist soul, a good Rift cleric build focused on AoE leveling is Inquisitor (14) - Cabalist (32) - Sentinel (0).
The Cabalist's main strength is dealing AoE damage and taking care of single target DPS.
The Sentinel tree is chosen primarily for self-healing requirements.
this build should be more than adequate to get you to the mid-level 30s in terms of leveling but you will need to re-spec your character beyond that level in order to remain competitive.
Druid souls on the other hand focus on melee damage dealing skills.
They also have pets that do their bidding hence they do most of their attack and defense via these pets.
A specific Rift Cleric build that utilizes this skill is Druid (36) - Shaman (29) - Warden (0).
Your level 35 spec should look like Shaman (11)/Druid (35)/Warden (0) in order to maximize the use of the Druid skills.
Use a Satyr as the main pet and get Glacial Shield from the Shaman soul for defensive purposes.
Sentinels on the other hand provide self-healing as already indicated.
As a basic spell rotation sequence, you can use Rage of the Fae - Combined Effort - Eruption of Life - Trickster Spirit - Fervent Strike and then cycle back.
This system gives the lowest downtime per rotation among other skill sets lowering your susceptibility to damage.
There are more options should you plan to build around the Inquisitor or Justicar souls.
A PvE caster using Inquisitor as the primary soul can spec Inquisitor (42) - Cabalist (12) - Sentinel (11) while a recommended level-up build is Inquisitor (34) - Cabalist (22) - Sentinel (10).
The souls serve the same purpose as already indicated in terms of melee damage and healing.
Justicar-based souls on the other hand excel at defense, hence Justicars are the most ideal if not the only possible tank from the Cleric class.
Examples of Rift Cleric tank builds are Justicar (39) - Shaman (17) - Druid (10) for PvPs, Justicar (29) - Shaman (19) - Warden (18), Justicar (31) - Warden (17) - Sentinel (18) for the best multi-faceted Cleric build possible, Justicar (44) - Shaman (12) - Druid (10) or Justicar (51) - Shaman (8) - Purifier (7) as the primary tank option, and Justicar (51) - Shaman (11) - Sentinel (4) as a PvP tank.
Specific healing souls for the Cleric include Sentinels and Wardens.
HoT (Healing over Time) skills are a particular specialty for the Warden and a standard build would look like Warden (51) - Sentinel (10) - Purified (5).
For the same purpose, a Sentinel-centric Rift Cleric build specializing on healing would look like Sentinel (34) - Templar (20) - Purified (12) or Sentinel (32) - Warden (12) - Purified (2).
Of course, there are more options for Rift Cleric builds as the souls system of Rift almost gives it unlimited spec options that can be configured according to the purpose.
You can also build your own Rift Cleric build and fine-tune as you go along and depending on the scenarios that you would want to participate.
Rift Cleric builds are clearly dynamic enough to respond to any situation that you are more than guaranteed to find them in any situation on the Planes of Telara.
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