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Healthy Living With A Vegan and Vegetarian Diet

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Cholesterol: Man's Worst Enemy It has been estimated that cholesterol has killed more people than all the wars and all natural disasters in history combined! Almost all diseases have been linked either directly or indirectly to cholesterol.
Heart disease, cancer, diabetes and many other diseases have had their origins traced directly to cholesterol.
Evidence of nutritional deficiencies due to poor and inadequate nutrition, and their links to disease is overwhelming.
In almost all cases, cholesterol is the culprit at the center of many of these diseases.
Fortunately, there is a way to naturally lower and control cholesterol in humans.
It is through a one hundred percent plant-based vegan diet.
It is also fortunate that the vegan or vegetarian lifestyle is becoming more and more popular and mainstream, as people begin to realize the health benefits of the vegan lifestyle.
More evidence is coming forth all the time about a plant-based diet and it's health benefits to mankind.
The ability to cure, prevent, control and reverse disease is directly related to an individual's knowledge of alternative and natural therapies and cures.
The vegan and vegetarian lifestyle is gaining in popularity, because people are beginning to see the health risks associated with a high cholesterol diet.
Natural therapies and cures are easy to get, inexpensive to buy, simple to administer, and they work far better than modern medicine's deadly and poisonous attempts at controlling disease.
It is not nearly as difficult as one might think to adopt a healthy lifestyle by eating a plant-based diet.
Many people have cured themselves of even 'incurable' diseases like cancer, heart disease and adult onset diabetes, by changing their lifestyles and by eating a vegetarian plant-based diet.
Unfortunately western medicine has become an industry that prohibits, bans, and even outlaws natural cures and remedies.
They threaten lawsuits, and in many cases even prison time to those who prescribe natural cures.
As a result of this, many millions of people have died and will continue to suffer and die needlessly, often at a very high financial cost, and with appalling and needless human pain and suffering.
Plant-based Diets Common cures are available in the form of raw and plant-based diets and exercise for cancer, heart disease, diabetes and most other chronic and degenerative diseases.
It is shameful that the knowledge of natural cures is, and always has been, suppressed and deliberately kept from the general public by Big Pharma and modern medicine.
What a tragedy and travesty of justice it is to have this information deliberately withheld from the sick and dying.
Many natural diseases have been proven to be caused by diets deficient in plant-based foods, that are based around the consumption of meats and are therefore high in cholesterol.
Vegan and Vegetarian Lifestyle and Health The obvious answer then is to offset, reverse, prevent and control disease with proper nutrition, lifestyle and adequate vitamin and mineral supplementation.
Eliminating, reversing and defeating disease is as simple as proper and effective diet through plant-based foods and a vegan lifestyle, coupled with a little light to moderate exercise.
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