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Overcoming Adversity
She seemed positive the last time we spoke so I was surprised to learn that she is facing serious financial problems as well as illness in her family.
My advice to her? Watch "The Secret" and read "Think And Grow Rich.
" It is in difficult times like these that our minds become filled with FUD: Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt.
If we allow those to control our minds, it will become a downward spiral.
Your LIFE will never turn around until YOUR MIND turns around! It all starts with your thoughts! In the final chapter of "Think And Grow Rich" Napoleon Hill states that the three biggest enemies everyone must overcome to achieve wealth are indecision, doubt, and fear.
Your intuition cannot function while any of these occupy your mind, and you need your intuition to receive your instructions from the universe.
Hill also covers the six basic fears, fear of:
- Poverty
- Criticism
- Ill Health
- Loss of someone's love
- Old age
- Death
In "The Secret" they describe how keeping a fear of poverty in your mind will actually attract more poverty.
If you allow yourself to focus on a fear that your house will be foreclosed, that is exactly what will come to pass.
If you walk to the mailbox thinking "why bother, all I get is bills" then guess what you'll find in there? I personally believe that stress brings on disease, and of course a constant fear of becoming ill will attract illness as well.
Fear of criticism creates indecision and lack of action in many people.
This is one huge show-stopper in the MLM industry.
There is so much criticism of the industry that some people are afraid to follow their dreams.
That is truly sad because there are legitimate opportunities for people to own their life with MLM.
Fear of loss of love is what creates the lack of commitment we see in some people.
They jump from one relationship to the next because every time they begin to fall in love, they allow this fear to take over.
I believe that "old age" is largely in the mind! Of course my body is different now than it was in my younger years but I don't ever want to use it as an excuse for not doing things I enjoy.
I think some people fear death simply because they don't want to leave others behind.
But it's ultimately part of life.
So just get your affairs in order and stop worrying about it.
Look at the three enemies and the six fears and ask yourself if these occupy your life at this point.
If so, what are the consequences? How would your life improve if you overcame them? Finding the silver lining in adversity, and staying positive, is the ONLY way to overcome it and come out on the other side a stronger and better person.
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