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A 2-Minute Stress-Buster Exercise

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What is needed is a quick and easy exercise to use whenever it seems to be too much or before an upcoming stressful situation to remain calm and in control.
Here is an easy and quick stress-reducing exercise that makes it easy to de-stress and re-focus - no matter how busy you are.
This can be done in under 2 minutes.
Who doesn't have that little amount of time? Used on a daily basis, it becomes even more effective.
And children love it, too.
STRESS-BUSTER EXERCISE Know that on the count of 3 you will relax and release your stress...
  1. Take a Deep Breath in from your nose
  2. As you release it slowly from your mouth,
  3. Close Your Eyes
  4. Press Thumb & Forefinger together to form a Circle (an OK sign)
  5. And Count Slowly1..
  6. Feel all your Body RELAAAX on 3
  7. In a Deep State of Relaxation - Release your stress, relax your muscles, let yourself go limp like a ragdoll
  8. Now Give yourself Positive Suggestions -- or Just Relax
  9. When you wish to return -
  10. Release Your Fingers & just Open Your Eyes
Welcome Back! What we focus on grows stronger, so it is a good idea to watch your thoughts and re-direct them to focus on what you want to bring into your life.
Releasing stress each day is a small change that will create big results.
Be sure to use this exercise often.
The more you use it, the more effective it becomes.
"Your mind is your most powerful tool.
" Copyright Susan Gayle2008
Source: ...
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