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Confidence - Do You Have It?
To be confident is to have faith, hope, and certainty.
The opposite of confidence is doubt, fear, and uncertainty.
Successful people have all the confidence in the world and unsuccessful people carry their counterpart.
To be successful, one has to not just "be" confident, but must show up to work and do their homework to emphasize their certainty in attaining what it is they seek.
To be unsuccessful, one needs to second guess every action and fear the worst in every situation.
It is very simple that in order to be successful one needs to eliminate confidences' antithesis completely from their being.
How does one do this and do it successfully? I would be the first to agree that it is easier said then done, but in the same token, practice makes perfect.
Practice makes perfect? A pretty neat concept huh.
Nothing comes easy because if it were all easy then everyone would be perfect.
It is a safe assumption that if one practices on a daily basis to extinguish all doubt and fear in their lives, that over time they will increase their confidence levels across the board.
A great way to practice is to immerse yourself in a community of like minded individuals and indulge in confidence building information.
I can promise you that you do not need to completely understand the process, but only trust those before who have created change and positive results in their life.
The only thing you have to do for yourself is want change in your life, and then you can move forward.
No one can do that for you.
You will never get the change you're looking for in life if you're not willing to step outside your comfort level.
Confidence strengthens in those willing to battle and open themselves up to change.
Are you ready?
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