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Denomination Ordination Requirements
- Requirements for a ministry candidate are quite strict, regardless of denomination.roman catholic cathedral christmas interrior image by fotosergio from
No matter what denomination you claim, all denominations regard the call to ministry as a high calling. The requirements for ordination are stringent. The mainline denominations are looking for people who are hard working, whose behavior would be an example for the lay members to follow and who are dedicated to God and to the principles of that denomination. Although those are the general principles, each denomination's specific requirements for ordination vary somewhat. - According to the Harvest Celebration website, to be an Ordained Minister, or Elder, in the Church of God in Christ, your pastor must recommend you to the Ordination Committee of the jurisdiction that governs your local church. The shepherd must present your credentials and qualifications to that committee. Indeed, one of the main questions to come up is your moral and spiritual fitness for ministry. In addition, you must demonstrate a past and present loyalty to the Church of God in Christ. You must adhere to the principles of Scripture as the denomination interprets them, and you must have a consistent pattern of behavior that demonstrates that you will adhere to and defend the doctrine of the Church.
- As the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry points out, to apply to the United Methodist Church for a ministerial position, you must have been a member of, or actively participated in, a United Methodist church, organization or campus fellowship for a period not less than a year. Once you meet this requirement, you must apply to the District Superintendent with a statement of call to the ministry, detailing how you know God has called you. Then you should ask for admission to the candidacy process. Pay $75 for the candidacy enrollment fee, and enroll for the candidacy online.
- According to Kleingartner, Stewart and Warnek, the Lutheran church emphasizes education. You must participate in a four-year course of study, where you will take classes in homiletics, the delivery of a sermon. In addition, you will take courses in Old Testament and New Testament doctrine, history, theology and pastoral care. You must be knowledgeable on how to lead a parish, so you must also include that subject in your course of study. In addition, you must demonstrate a commitment to Christ, as well as Christian ethics. You must also show loyalty to the Lutheran Church's Confession of Faith, be a member of a Lutheran church and be willing to accept a letter of call to serve as a minister.
Church of God in Christ
United Methodist Church
Lutheran Church
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