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Online High Stakes Poker

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The stakes on online poker are increasing every single day.
Two years ago, the highest limits were $2000 buy-ins.
Today, the largest buy-ins can exceed $60, 000.
If you are interested in learning how the pros play, you can watch them play online every night.
Most of the pros have moved to either Full Tilt or Poker Stars.
Full Tilt offers the biggest No-Limit cash game at 300/600NL.
Many nights you will witness several pots exceeding $100, 000.
Phil Ivey, Patrik Antonius and many other internet whiz kids are battling it out for cold hard cash.
Sbrugby has become an online poker celebrity as he often battles Ivey, Benyamine, and Hansen for large sums of cash.
Poker Stars is generally dominated by a few known internet players.
H@llingol, Twin-Caracas, and Bet2Win seem to be winning most of the money at the highest limits.
While television provides you with each opponents' hole cards, online poker lets you watch the real game.
Many of the hands are folded pre-flop or on the flop.
Watching online poker gives you a real grasp of how professionals play at the highest levels.
Simply by watching these guys, you will pick up a lot of things to think about.
After you read all the books, come watch the pros play at the highest levels.
These guys always seem to be raising with any two cards.
Forget about the WPT, the real poker is happening online right now.
Follow these guys around and you could be playing like them soon enough.
Take your game to the next level by learning from the pros.
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