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Glaucoma, Cataracts, Astigmatism And All Other Eye Problems; Tips For Common Sense Eye Health

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If a person is not seeing clearly the typical response is to get a pair of glasses. This process has been going on for more than a century. Then as time goes on, usually a stronger prescription is needed and the vicious cycle of stronger and stronger lenses until when we reach our golden years and our vision is poor and stronger lenses no longer help, we are told that we are just getting old, that is the cause of all our problems or is heredity.

Eye Health

What is the definition of healthy eyes? Healthy eyes see clearly and the mind and body are relaxed. Whether nearsighted, farsighted, astigmatic or if you experience glaucoma, cataracts or any other eye problems you can improve the health of your eyes.

The Cause Of Eye Problems

Did you know that there is a way you can change this old vicious cycle if you have a desire to? There is a way to improve your vision without glasses, contacts or surgery? This natural proven method which I call EYE-ROBICS is based on the scientific discoveries Dr. Wm. H. Bates, noted surgeon, physician and ophthalmologist. Dr. Bates practiced in New York in the early 1900"s. He did research and discovered the cause and cure of eye problems. Optometrists and ophthalmologists today still only deal with the symptom of vision problems, by fitting glasses contacts or surgery. This was one of the questions that Dr. Bates asked many years ago, "Why if glasses are correct, must they continually be strengthened because the eyes, under their influence have weakened"?

Physical Therapy For The Eyes

Dr. Bates discovered that tension in the mind interfered with the involuntary focusing muscles of the eye. In the normal eye whether you look, near or far, the eye automatically focuses where you put your attention. This is called eye-mind coordination. We see with our mind first directing our attention. Vision is 9/10 mental and 1/10 physical. The eyes are tools of the mind. Just as ulcers and heart attacks are caused by prolonged stress (psycho somatic illness), so is the vision affected by stress. These stresses are always accompanied by changes. People moving, changing schools, a divorce, a death, career changes, a difficult relationship. These changes create stress and an element of the unknown which evokes fear. This fear is usually repressed as a survival mechanism and never dealt with again.

Relaxation, The Cure Of Eye Problems

As apposed to a medical or mechanical approach, Eye-Robics training is based on the principle of relaxation. Eye-Robics teaches specific techniques and skills for relaxing mental stress, releasing muscle tension and restoring muscle flexibility. Eye-Robics releases the strain that keeps you from seeing clearly and re-educates the mind and body in good visual habits. Eye-Robics is easy, safe, fun and it"s for everyone, regardless of age or strength of glasses or specific eye problems because it works with the cause not the symptom. Participants in the Eye-Robics program have experienced 25% - 75% improvement in three to six weeks.

Eye-Robics is a complete practical program of visual re-education. It teaches physical and mental drills to released muscular tension, improve acuity, accommodation, coordination and peripheral awareness. It utilizes visualization techniques to develop and enhance visual memory and imagination and stimulates the use of the mind"s eye, the highest level of visual functioning. Eye-Robics relaxation techniques develop a deep sense of relaxation and well being.

How And Why Eye-Robics Works

In the normal eye there are six extrinsic (outer) muscles, four top and bottom and each side and two belting around the eye. The eye works like the camera, it changes in focal length. It flattens for distance seeing and elongates for close seeing. Muscles only pull and relax. When you look into the distance the four recti muscles contract and flatten the eyeball. When you look up close, they relax and the oblique muscles contract and elongate the eye for near tasks. This all happens by your thoughts and attention, eye-mind coordination, that is if you are mentally relaxed.

Common Sense

Whether nearsighted, farsighted or if you experience glaucoma , cataracts, astigmatism or any other eye problems you can improve the health of your eyes. It makes common sense that if your vision can get worse, it can get better and/or return to normal. God in his infinite wisdom created us so we can heal. We cut ourselves and the God within us heals the wound. What a miracle. The body and mind is a powerful tool. Dr. Bates found a key to unlock the mystery of poor eye sight. You can use it or lose it as they say in the health fitness world.

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