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Six Scenarios Where North and South Korea Could End Up Going to War
The current events that are unfolding around the allegations that North Korea deliberately sunk the Cheonan, are signaling a new conflict between the Koreas.
But here are six actual scenarios why North and South Korea could actually go to war? 1.
A Skirmish at Sea Despite the current sea borders of each Country being still in dispute, both the South Korean, and North Korean navies have rarely fought each other.
However, with current US and South Korean navy maneuvers around the disputed border in the Yellow Sea, either side could attack if they feel threatened.
A Border Skirmish Currently an unknown amount of soldiers face each other off across the heavily fortified demilitarized zone, which effectively is the land border between both nations.
Skirmishes have happened in the past, but as political tensions rise, any skirmish could be seen as an attack, and provoke a larger conflict.
North Korea is Isolated Despite the fact that no North Korean observer took part in the inquiry over the sinking of the Cheonan, both the South Korean and American governments are adamant this is the smoking gun which proves the North were guilty.
If China, South Korea, the UN and the USA agree, and isolate North Korea, chances are the North would attack the South.
First Strike Although the North has a larger army, its weapons are reputed to be vastly inferior to the South's and the US forces facing them across the DMZ.
Experts state that the South would have both command of the air and sea, in any conflict, believing the North Korean army can be defeated in a conventional war.
However the North may have nuclear missiles, balancing this equation, leading to the fear that a first strike on South Korea, and possibly other allies- could initially force a nuclear conflict in which both Koreas would be destroyed.
Regime Change If the war of words hots up and includes the notion of "regime change" a clear message would be sent to Pyongyong- "Fight or be destroyed.
" The leadership of the North would be forced into a fight, without having any exit door.
Rogue Military Elements Force a War If one rogue section of the military decide without any leaders consent, that it is time to fight.
Then their action could spark off a conflict, whether it is a sinking of a ship, a cross border shoot-out or an artillery bombardment into one of the Koreas, even a nuclear attack.
Few people want a conflict between the Koreas, particularly ordinary Koreans on both sides.
Yet, the war of words is dangerously creating a conflict, and the worse fear of many people is a war could be forced upon one of the Korea's.
Independent mediation may now be urgently needed to stopping the current Mexican stand off from escalating into a war.
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