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Catalysts and Enzymes

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Catalysts and enzymes play an essential role in the functioning of our bodies and the world around us.
They effect every chemical reaction which occurs throughout our body, and are essential for life as we know it.
But what do we really know about catalysts and enzymes, and how exactly do they work? Enzymes are proteins which have specific chemical functions.
This means they are involved in working towards achieving some purpose within the body.
The enzymes attach to their specific chemical counterparts and carry out their specific function as designed.
They are essential in the function of our body, including digestion and chemical production in the liver and kidneys.
These are ultimately comprised of strings of amino acids, which means they are subject to the same conditions as any proteins.
This gives them an optimum temperature, and means that excessive temperature can in fact damage their mechanism beyond repair.
They can also be found at use commercially, in a number of various manufacturing processes and consumer products.
One notable example is biological washing powder, which contains these charged with removing tough stains from clothing.
Twinned with enzymes are their essential partners, catalysts.
Catalysts effectively twin with enzymes to speed up chemical reactions within the body and elsewhere.
Of course, catalysts are not confined to the human body, but also operate much further a-field in various aspects of nature and the world in which we live.
By attaching to the enzymes, catalysts at their optimum trigger the reactions for which they are necessary.
It is this dual function that makes catalysts and enzymes inseparable elements of the way of nature, and makes them a particularly effective pairing.
Although fairly basic to comprehend in essence, enzymes and catalysts are the subject of much ongoing research, as scientists work to discover more about the way in which our bodies and the world around us functions.
The subject of many science projects, the lay person can only begin to scratch the surface of what is a tremendously complex and detailed area of biology and chemistry, and to comprehend exactly the mechanisms of each of these invaluable elements is to comprehend exactly the meaning and process of every chemical reaction within the body.
It is clear that as research continues, we will continue to learn more about how these amazing factors work, which will lead to more biotechnological advances for commercial and medical purposes.
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