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Closer to God by Being the Agent of Our Peace and Its Benefits
But here is one that is simple yet profound.
Be an agent of peace.
But not just any old agent, an agent of our peace.
What do I mean when I say our peace? You have to understand that you and God are one.
That's right.
There is no separation between you and The Source of All That Is.
The only separation that you may feel is what has been taught by those people and institutions surrounding you in your formative years.
In actual fact, both spiritual and quantum physics fact, you and God are one.
So, when you say or feel that you and God are not separated, you can say "I am an agent of our peace.
" The benefit of saying this mantra is that the peace of God, which passes all understanding by the way, will be closer to you.
You will looking for it, anticipating that it will come to you.
And what is peace? It is utter harmony.
Notice I did not say it was the absence of all conflict.
Conflict is a natural part of the physical world in which we live.
Rather, peace is finding the harmony of resonating with The Source of All That Is.
Feeling that, even in the midst of worldly conflict, you resonate with the deepest and oldest of all concords.
That all is well -- despite what might occurring around you.
When you say as a mantra or affirmation, "I am an agent of our peace," you are putting yourself in the stead of God.
You are not making yourself God.
But you are standing in the breach and declaring that you stand for peace.
Peace in your soul and peace in the world.
A mantra is kind of prayer which can be said aloud or silently.
It is stated repeatedly and with emotion so that it makes a "mark" in your soul and in the Universe.
And what are the benefits of peace? For you one can be surmised by me immediately -- less stress brought on by less conflict.
Lower tension levels within your physical body and spirit.
This would produce greater health, in my opinion and from my very own experience.
But what would peace bring to the world? Can you imagine the growth of love when conflict could be winnowed away by tunes and overtures of peace? What are you waiting for? Can you not say in this very minute "I am an agent of our peace"? Stand and deliver.
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