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Why Do Teenagers Do Drugs?
Well where should we begin to look for things to blame? Let me tell you, if you really look into this question and the world which we accept with all its faults, we should really be asking, why should our teenagers not be on drugs? Things have changed rapidly over the last couple of decades and the pressures and expectations placed on our teens alone should be enough to explain why do teenagers do drugs.
But then again, when you look at it closely, this has actually been a common trend for many previous decades as well.
Changes in expectations and society have been coming hard and fast for a long time already and every generation has had it's coping to do, but the difference now is that drugs are becoming more and more socially acceptable and this is one of the answers to the question "Why do teenagers do drugs".
We need to realize that availability is one of the main reasons why teenagers do drugs, the heightened pressures of our modern society, more insecurity amongst our teens and availability of the product are all things to be taken into consideration when asking 'why do teenagers do drugs'.
However, I do not believe that asking a question like this is going to bring us any closer to being able to solve the problem.
Instead of asking 'why do teenagers do drugs', should we not rather be asking what we can do or change in order to make drugs not as appealing to our youth? I personally, out of experience, have found that teenagers will turn to drugs as a result of their basic human needs not being met and that it is our failure as a society to meet these needs which in turn drives our children to drug experimentation.
Everything happens so fast nowadays that often we lose the connection to our children in the process, but is it worth the pain and suffering which results at later stages? So to answer the question of 'why do teenagers use drugs', I believe we need to have a closer look at what we are allowing to become acceptable behavior in the world around us and then to realize that perhaps it is because we have become to accepting or lenient concerning the changes going on around us that we are sitting with this problem today.
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