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Natural Treatments For Hemorrhoids

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What are hemorrhoids and how can you treat hemorrhoids naturally.
Hemorrhoids are varicose veins in the rectal area.
There are many natural means to treat the pain of hemorrhoids and they include the use of...
- Butcher's Broom - Horse Chestnut - Increase in fluid and fiber Let's talk about Butcher's Broom.
This herb treated the symptoms of hemorrhoids for a long time.
Initially, it was first used in Europe and the name was tagged due to the many butchers who used this herb.
Butcher's Broom increases circulation to that area since varicose veins are generally caused by poor circulation.
Butcher's Broom can be applied as an ointment, or used in tea and in capsule form.
Anti-inflammatory properties of Butcher's Broom will help heal hemorrhoids which are very swollen.
If you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure or you are a woman and pregnant, a consultation with your doctor should be done before using Butcher's Broom.
Horse Chestnut is another herb which works in a similar manner as Butcher's Broom by increasing blood circulation and strengthening blood vessel walls.
Again, check with your doctor since using Horse Chestnut may negatively impact what other medications you may be taking.
Horse Chestnut is usually taken as a tea or in capsule form.
Eating more fiber and drinking more fluids will keep your stools soft and everything moving right along.
Straining is what causes or aggravates existing hemorrhoids.
If you have hemorrhoids, than your symptoms may very well be relieved.
Fruits and vegetables have lots of fiber.
Coupled with whole grains in your diet and plenty of fluid so as not to bind you will go a long way in alleviating the pain and itching caused by hemorrhoids.
Bulk stool softener or fiber supplement will also help you out and those unpleasant trips to the bathroom will be an experience belonging in the past.
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