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Orange County Eating Disorder Treatment Center
Bulimia involves excessive eating and feeling out of control or guilty afterwards. This can occur more than twice a week hence the normal body weight cannot be maintained and the sufferers have to be put on strict diet. Anorexic patients refuse the required intake of food to maintain a Perfect figure. If these patients are not treated on time they can lead to premature death. Other problems like obesity, dangerous dieting, compulsive exercising, and food cravings may be symptoms of deeper emotional problems. People who display these symptoms may benefit from therapeutic intervention. Through proper nutrition, health education and appropriate psychotherapy such as cognitive therapy and supportive 12 steps program we effectively treat all types of eating disorders. The Victorian of Newport Beach is the most caring, intimate and effective program for orange county eating disorder treatment.
Our researchers believe that genetically inherited anxiety gene can lead to various disorders. There could be some traumatic experiences in the past or during childhood which may turn into such illness. We have stated ways to tackle stress and anxiety thus eventually handle the eating disorder by oneself without seeking anybodys help. Our web-site also has step-by-step solutions to treat eating disorders in women, men. We not only suggest ways to treatment, but also mention myths about eating disorders to overcome any type of misunderstanding about this problem.
At the treatment for eating disorders in Orange County, Southern California women are treated at our Victorian House, a home-like six bed treatment facility in Newport Beach. The Victorian of Newport Beach is the most caring, intimate and effective program. Fill in an online form for confidential assessment program. Dr. Barbara Cole, an acclaimed eating disorder treatment physician, spearheads our program. Our treatment not only eradicates the problems but also restrains it from recurring. We recognize and value individual uniqueness, hence the solutions and treatment offered is individualistic.
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