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Dry Eye Symptoms & Causes
Dry Eyes can be caused by problems with any one of the three layers in the tear film that combine to protect, lubricate and nourish the surface of the eye.
When the tear film breaks down too quickly, dry patches appear and even frequent blinking is unable to maintain the essential tear film protection.
When your eyes are dry it can be difficult to concentrate on anything else.
Common Dry Eye sensations: * Foreign body / gritty irritation * Soreness / burning * Redness / swollen appearance * Eye-watering (paradoxically, dry eyes are often excessively watery) * Blurred vision and difficulty in reading * Increased sensitivity to bright light * Mucus around the eyelids on first waking 2.
Dry Eyes are often caused by problems in the production of: * Sticky Mucin is made on the eye surface to help the other tear layers remain on the eye * Watery tears are produced by the Lacrimal glands which are located beneath the eye brows * Oily Meibum, secreted at each blink by the Meibomian glands located on the edge of the eyelids between the eyelashes, makes the outer layer of the tear film 3.
The causes may be temporary: * Environmental conditions such as dust, smoke, wind * Dried air (air-conditioning, central heating and car heaters) * Prolonged gazing at TV or computer screens reduces blink rate from the normal average of 24 to as little as 7 times per minute 4.
or continuous: * Blepharitis (eyelid inflammation) * Aging, especially over 45 years old * Hormone change related dryness * Chronic conditions such a Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sjogrens syndrome, Thyroid eye and Parkinson's diseases * Side effects of other medications * Allergies * Contact lenses * Damage to the eye's surface from LASIK, laser surgery or accidental injury Nearly everyone will suffer from Dry Eyes at some stage in their lives but the condition can become continuous for men and women after 45 years of age.
This article will explain Dry Eye Symptoms & Causes.
Hopefully you now know more about dry eyes so that you can do more to help yourself.
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