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Mountain Bluebird
The bluest of the North American bluebirds, the mountain bluebird has bright blue plumage and a winning personality. Often seen hovering over fields as it hunts for insects, this thrush is a popular species for birders to add to their life list.
Common Name:
Mountain Bluebird
Scientific Name:
Sialia currucoides
- Bill: Pointed, black, thin
- Size: 7 inches long with 12-inch wingspan, long tail
- Colors: Blue, white, gray, black, gray-brown, rufous
- Markings: Dimorphic species. Males are bright blue overall with slightly lighter underparts and a gray or white lower abdomen and undertail coverts. A gray wash can be seen around the lores and eyes. Females have gray upperparts with a bright blue tail and wing edges, and gray or white underparts. There is a thin white eye ring and a gray-brown wash on the face. Both males and females may show a rufous wash on the chest, and both genders have black legs and feet.
Insects, caterpillars, fruit, berries
Habitat and Migration:
Mountain bluebirds are generally found at elevations greater than 7,000 feet during the summer in the mountainous areas of western North America as far north as Alaska. They prefer sparse woodland edges and open areas such as alpine meadows, mountain prairies and plowed agricultural fields. These birds can be found year round in the mountains of Nevada, southeastern Oregon, southern Utah and Colorado and northern Arizona and New Mexico.
In winter, mountain bluebirds migrate to lower elevations and extend their range further south, including into Mexico. Vagrant birds are occasionally recorded further east.
While the mountain bluebird is not exceptionally vocal, it does have soft calls with a "burry" quality. The song is a rapid, chirping warble and when these birds do sing, they may vocalize for long periods.
These are relatively solitary birds but are regularly found in pairs or small family groups, particularly at the end of the breeding season when young birds are maturing. When feeding, they can hover extensively and will pounce on prey from the air before taking it to a perch to feed.
Mountain bluebirds are monogamous and a mated pair will produce 1-2 broods per year with 3-8 eggs per brood. The female parent will incubate the eggs for 13-14 days, and both parents feed the altricial young for an additional 21-23 days. In areas where mountain bluebird habitat overlaps with the eastern bluebird's, the two species can hybridize.
Attracting Mountain Bluebirds:
At the proper altitude, these birds will regularly visit backyards where mealworms or suet are offered in open feeders. They will also nest in bird houses of appropriate dimensions. Backyard birders hoping to attract mountain bluebirds should avoid using pesticides that would eliminate that critical food source, and planting trees and shrubs that hold berries and fruit into the winter will provide additional food.
Similar Birds:
- Eastern Bluebird (Sialia sialis)
- Western Bluebird (Sialia mexicana)
- Indigo Bunting (Passerina cyanea)
- Townsend's Solitaire (Myadestes townsendi)
Photo – Mountain Bluebird – Male © Don Delaney
Photo – Mountain Bluebird – Female © Linda Tanner
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