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How to Start Over Again
But as our world changes, and millions of us are faced with the need to start afresh.
Starting over, is something we have to face with confidence, and a need to look at things in a new light.
The main reasons we are often faced with the need to change are often based around three factors: change at work, change in a relationship and change within a family.
How do we start over again?.
Evaluate Ourselves A personal evaluation is hard, it opens questions on who we really are?.
and what we really can do?.
Writing down a personal evaluation on the given situation you face, could bring a higher sense of reality.
Whether we need to move, change careers or even focus on a skill we have, but never used.
Assess the Local Environment Given your own strengths and weaknesses, by starting over- can you still remain in your cozy comfort zone, or do you have to leave it?.
One example is regarding your life skills, can they apply to staying and working in your local environment?.
If not focus on where these skills can be applied- even if you have to move to a new town or city.
Establish a long-term Goal Imagine you are starting afresh?.
Try and write down, what your aims and dreams are for the next few years.
If you are satisfied with what you have written down, focus on a way you can achieve these goals, and develop a plan to reach this.
Open up your Mind Many people are 'localized, " they see opportunity in a narrow light, like a narrow street.
Imagining you are standing by an ocean, that very small street disappears- as opportunities expand, and your own future is actually dependent on your own actions- by expanding your horizons.
Create a Can do Attitude Some societies focus on what you can't do, rather than what you can do.
They live inside a box, rather than think out of a box.
Establish your own can do attitude, by climbing out of that box.
One great example is Barack Obama, his can do attitude paved his way to the Presidency.
He thought out of the box, and had a can do attitude.
Most people like stability, few thrive on continual change, preferring to create their own comfort zone around familiar surroundings, despite any life changes in our work, family or personal relationships.
Leaving this comfort zone, could be the key to starting afresh, and benefiting from abrupt change.
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