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What Global Warming?
In Gordon Campbell's case British Columbia's carbon tax figured heavily in his demise.
He resigned from office in utter disgrace.
Gordon is gone, but his crippling, punitive carbon taxes remain.
In the US, Obama may remain in office, but his imposition of carbon taxes will drive a stake in the heart of what little remains of US industry.
So who says global warming is a fraud? A UK Superior Court, that's who.
Gore's UK court loss was studiously ignored by North American's 'mainstream' media in the same way it ignored the outstanding BBC documentary, "The Great Global Warming Swindle".
'Swindle remains the only major BBC documentary never aired in North America.
It was a documentary that global warmers simply found too inconvenient, so they used their vast subterranean network to block the show.
Given the fact that the world's three major climate research units - including the UK's infamous Hadley center, have finally been forced to confess that has been no global warming for the last 18, 21, or 23 years - depending upon which unit's figures you use - Obama's plan to impose carbon taxes at this time is diabolical.
Despite the damning revelations of malfeasance in the global warming camp, despite the Climategate revelations a couple of years ago, and despite this final admission by the main conspirators in this fraud, governments have thus far spent $81 billion implementing measures to combat something which has now been documented not to exist, something now exposed to have been a fraud from the outset.
This money would have been far better spent helping to offset real problems, such as those caused by the ravages of viciously cold winters which have returned in recent years to much of Europe and North America.
California's recent devastating frosts destroyed citrus crops and winter vegetables, forcing prices up everywhere.
But facts, truth, honesty, and integrity have meant absolutely nothing to leftists since the French Revolution.
Obama and his gang have to know by now that global warming has been exposed and utterly discredited as a fraud.
The program was a UN-spawned attempt by leftists and communists to gain control of Western nations' productivity and industry.
A 'master tax' that could be used as a mechanism for imposing central planning and control over populations woefully ignorant of climate science while at the same time scraping off them loads of tax money for transfer to third world countries that refuse to get their collective acts together.
The program had the added benefit of 'rigging the game' - crippling one side in a competitive world economy while letting the other side completely off the hook.
Promoters of the global warming scheme knew full well that they could count on the fact that most people will never have heard of the Medieval Warm Period, or The Little Ice Age which followed it.
They knew that the average person hasn't even the foggiest clue about what percentage of the atmosphere is comprised of carbon dioxide, or that carbon dioxide is essential to plant respiration without which all plant life on earth would die.
They knew that most people would be unaware that as recently as 10,000 years ago much of North America lay 2 miles beneath a massive glacier.
They knew that if they suppressed documentaries like the BBC's The Great Global Warming Swindle as well as the news of global warming's major UK court loss, most people simply wouldn't take the time to dig a bit in order to get at the truth.
They knew they could use threats, bullying, and intimidation tactics to muzzle critics.
They demeaned, mocked, scorned, defamed, slandered, coerced, their opponents.
They lied.
They used name calling, and when cornered and asked to explain themselves went into fits and tantrums.
They counted on public apathy and laziness and had it not been for a few tenacious individuals and scientists like Dr.
Timothy Ball, Greenpeace founder Dr.
Patrick Moore, and Margaret Thatcher's science adviser Lord Christopher Monckton they might have pulled off the scam and thrown shackles over the Western world.
But they did get caught.
They did get exposed.
And in the meantime the world's winters became steadily colder as the sun moved into a new Maunder Minimum.
Which is why the perpetrators of this fraud stealthily and deceitfully morphed the name from 'global warming' into 'climate change'.
Like leftists throughout history, Barrack Hussein Obama doesn't give a damn about facts.
If the facts don't fit leftist ideology, then the facts have to change to fit the ideology.
He is about to ram carbon taxes down Americans' throats not by democratic means but through the unilateral issuance of yet more 'executive orders' heaped on top of the 1,000 he's already issued.
Such flagrant and abusive use of the executive order system, a system Obama is using well outside of the original design parameters, is the clear mark of a tyrant.
The problem is that by forcing such punitive, job-killing taxes on the American economy - all based on the fraudulent assumption that carbon dioxide is a sinister pollutant instead of the plant food it actually is - Obama will succeed in winding the country's already very strained 'elastic band' yet a few more turns closer to its breaking point.
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