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Ab Circle Pro Review - Does the Ab Circle Pro Work As Advertised?

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Infomercials can sometimes be cleverly deceiving.
How do you know what to believe and what is just sales talk? Well, one way to figure it out is to do what you are doing right now - get online and search for reviews and websites with more information.
So how much about the Ab Circle Pro is true and how much is just marketing? Here are the main features expressed by the Ab Circle Pro infomercial.
  • Built with gym-quality steel and is durable.
  • Easy to use
  • Comfortable
  • Effective at helping you lose weight
  • Gives you both a cardio and resistance workout at the same time
Surprisingly, most of what they advertise on the infomercial matches up with real life experience of using the product.
It really is built solidly and that is one of the first things you will notice when you take it out of the box.
They designed it to last a lifetime.
The claims about the weight loss effectiveness are also true.
Some of the testimonials that you see, such as losing 80 pounds in 4 months, may be exaggerated or may not take into account other dieting and exercise methods beyond the Ab Circle Pro that helped.
Unless you are willing to combine your Ab Circle routine with a very strict diet, supplement, and cardio routine, you can not expect to lose 20+ pounds per month.
But,  even if you do nothing other than use the Ab Circle Pro, you will notice weight loss and firmer abs very quickly.
Just do not expect to match the results you see on television.
And lastly, it really does a good job of giving you both a cardio and resistance workout at the same time.
However, the people you see gliding smoothly back and forth on the infomercial have probably had a bit of time to practice and get comfortable with the machine.
The correct posture and motion is not as intuitive as they make it seem.
You will need to watch the DVD and follow their instructions to get the proper movement down.
If you do not, you may end up working your arms more than your abs, and you could even possibly hurt your back or neck.
In the end, for the most part, what you see is what you get when it comes to this abdominal exercise machine.
Other than the ease-of-use issue and the exaggeration of results, the infomercial is fairly honest about the claims.
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